How do I create cPanel hosting sub-accounts?


Why create a hosting sub-account on cPanel?

The user manager available on cPanel allows you to manage your sub-accounts (create, modify and delete). The sub-accounts use the same connection information (login and password) for the messaging, FTP and Web Disk services. The system synchronises the password for each of the sub-account's authorised services.

The user manager allows you to

  • Activate the e-mail service for the sub-account and define a disk space quota for it
  • Activate the FTP service, define a disk space quota and the base directory for the sub-account
  • Activate Web Disk to define read and write rights for the sub-account.

What is the purpose of a hosting sub-account on cPanel?

A sub-account allows you to give FTP access to a person and grant them an email address on your cPanel web hosting. When you create the sub-account, you can define FTP access rights (read, delete and modify files). The advantage of this is that you can provide access to a user without having to provide them with your cPanel login details.

How do I create hosting sub-accounts on cPanel?

1. Log in to your cPanel interface

2. Go to the"Preferences" section and click on the"User Manager" tab.

How do I create cPanel hosting sub-accounts?

3. Click on the"Add a user" button.

How do I create cPanel hosting sub-accounts?

4. Enter the "Basic information" and define the security information:

How do I create cPanel hosting sub-accounts?

The basic information requested is as follows:

  • Full name: This is the first and last name of the user.
  • User name: Enter a user name that will allow the sub-account to connect to the FTP space. The user name will also define the sub-account user's email address.
  • Domain: Choose the domain associated with the sub-account.
  • E-mail address of the person to contact: This will be used to send connection information to the user and also to recover the user's password if it is lost.

The security information will allow you to

  • Send an email to the user so that they can set their own password for the user sub-account.
  • Set the user's password yourself (this second option should be used if you do not know the user's e-mail address).

5. The last step allows you to define access rights for the user you wish to create.

How do I create cPanel hosting sub-accounts?

  • E-mail: You can enable or disable the email service for the sub-account and define the disk space quota for the email. The email consists of the user name followed by the domain name.
  • FTP: You can define FTP access, the disk space quota authorised for the user and the directory to which the sub-account will have access.
  • Web Disk: The Web Disk service lets you define directory access rights. You can define"Read/Write" or"Read Only". In the case of "Read only", the sub-account will not be able to delete and/or modify a file in the directory concerned.


You are now able to create a sub-account on your cPanel hosting with LWS. When creating the sub-account, you can activate or deactivate several services such as email, FTP access or define access rights to files and folders. You can delete and/or modify the services authorised for a sub-account at any time.

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