How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?


How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

1. Connect to your web space using software such as FileZilla.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

2. Create a new folder. To do this, right-click on the mouse and then on"Create a folder". It is preferable not to put the files to be uploaded in the "sitepro" directory, because each time you publish the website, the files in this directory will be overwritten and you will need to upload all the downloadable files again.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

3. Enter the name of the folder to be created and click on the"Ok" button to save it.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

4. Double-click on the folder you have just created to go to it.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

5. Choose the file to upload. Right-click on it and click on"Send" to transfer your file to your FTP space.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

6. Connect to your SiteBuilder Pro software and select the text you want to upload. Then click on the"Chain" button (hypertext link).

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

7. A new window will open, allowing you to enter the download link. You can tick the"Open in a new window" box. Once the configuration has been made, click on"Apply" to save your choice.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

8. Don't forget that you need to republish your website after each modification you make.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

How do I add a .PDF document to SiteBuilder Pro?

1. Once you have logged on to your SiteBuilder interface, click on the"Image" icon in the tools.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

2. Click on one of the images to access the media library.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

3. Click on"Add New" in the new window to upload your .PDF file.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

4. You can add a button to download your .PDF file. To do this, click on the"Button" tool in the menu at the top of the page.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

5. Choose the type of button you want by clicking on it.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

6. Select the button, go to the right-hand column and click on"Link" to open the title. Finally, click on the stylus behind the"No link selected" tab.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

7. Select"File from your website" and click on the stylus behind the"No files selected" tab.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

8. Select your .PDF file and click on the"Select" button.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

9. Click on"Apply".

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

How do I add a ZIP file to be uploaded to SiteBuilder Pro?

1. Once the button has been placed in the desired location on SiteBuilder Pro, click on"Link" in the right-hand menu to open the heading and then on the stylus behind"No link selected".

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

2. Select"File from your website" and click on the stylus to add the file.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

3. Click on"Add New" and upload your zipped file to your SiteBuilder interface.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

4. Select the zipped file you have just uploaded and click on"Select".

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?

5. Click on the "Apply" button.

How do I add documents for download in SiteBuilder Pro?


You can now add downloadable documents to your SiteBuilder site. It is important to note that it is preferable to insert the documents in a directory other than the "sitepro" directory so that you don't have to upload them again each time you publish your website.

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framboise Il y a 858 days
comment créer facilement mon site de e-commerce n'ayant aucune connaissance en informatique (j'ai réussi à mettre mon entête mais impossible d'aller plus loin)
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 857 days
Bonjour, je vous invite à vous aider des différents tutoriels mis à disposition sur la page suivante: . Afin de créer votre site sous SiteBuilder Pro, si vous êtes novice, je vous invite à utiliser un thème existant sur ce logiciel et à le modifier par la suite selon vos besoins. Vous pouvez choisir un thème graphique en vous rendant sur "Nouv/retab" puis sur "Changer le modèle" se trouvant sur votre interface SiteBuilder. Il est à noter cependant que le changement de thème réinitialisera l'interface SiteBuilder. IL vous faudra de ce fait, remettre en place, les quelques éléments déjà ajoutés.
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