Mail Abuse: Tools for managing SMTP alerts and suspensions on cPanel


What is Mail Abuse?

Mail Abuse is an internal tool developed and maintained by LWS that allows customers to view and take action on reports filed against LWS.

When a spam complaint is received about you or when SPAM is detected, and we can confirm that it is valid, we suspend the outgoing SMTP email service for your cPanel account and all associated domains and subdomains.

How do you know if your SMTP service has been suspended?

As soon as we suspend the SMTP service for your account, an email is sent to the email address of the customer account. However, you can view the status from your cPanel account by clicking on the"Email Abuse" icon.

Mail Abuse: Tools for managing SMTP alerts and suspensions on cPanel

What should I do if my SMTP service has been suspended?

A suspension of your SMTP service indicates that your cPanel account has been found to be sending SPAM. You can check your sending history from the "Track delivery" icon:

Mail Abuse: Tools for managing SMTP alerts and suspensions on cPanel

You should then check the emails sent by your cPanel account, whether sent by your website (with the mail() PHP function or with an SMTP connection) or by your email inboxes and ensure that these problematic sendings are no longer present on your account. The most frequent cases are :

  • Website :
    • Using the contact form to send spam to the administrator: some robots use your contact form to send spam to the site owner. You can block these robots by improving your LWS Protect settings, adding a layer of protection such as Cloudflare, or adding anti-robot protection to your form. Internal submissions (to a mailbox in your cPanel account) are more controlled than external submissions, so if you don't have an immediate solution to the problem, we recommend that you only send your contact forms to internal mailboxes to avoid a second block.
    • Misuse of the "Send me a copy" function on a contact form: some robots can use the "Send me a copy" function on a contact form to send SPAM to others: all you have to do is fill in someone else's email box and your site becomes a spam relay. In this case, we advise you to remove this functionality.
    • Infected/hacked website: certain types of infection/hacking are designed simply to make your website a spam relay. You can use the ImunifyAV tool on cPanel to carry out an antivirus scan. The LWS Protect tool will help you improve the security of your website.
  • Email boxes:
    • The email client is a known host (corresponds to the IP address of your office, for example). This indicates that the device and/or network is corrupted by malware, a virus or has been hacked. In this type of case, you need to run an antivirus and update your system.
    • The email client is an unknown host: this indicates that someone has the password to your email inbox. You will need to replace it. Also make sure that there is no malicious software on your devices (computer, tablet, phone) that could recover the new password and repeat the problem.

As a general rule, contact your webmaster or IT manager if you do not recognise certain transmissions made via your cPanel account. Our support team can also advise or help you.

How do I lift the suspension of the SMTP service on my cPanel account?

You can reactivate your outgoing mailings when you have resolved the problem, and the time limit for complaints to expire has passed.

Please note

You should only ask for the suspension to be lifted when you are 100% sure that you have found the cause and taken the necessary action. You are hosted on a shared server, you share the SMTP service and we have undertaken not to relay SPAM on the Internet. In order to guarantee a quality of service, and an optimal reputation for our SMTP servers, only one unblocking is authorised every 90 days.

You have requested suspension and you are suspended again? If it has been less than 90 days since the first SMTP unblocking request, then you can no longer request an unblocking and the outgoing SMTP mail service will remain blocked on this cPanel account.

If you absolutely need an email sending service with your account, the only solution is to switch to a VPS server type service which includes a dedicated, fixed IPv4 address. This allows you to have your own SMTP sending server.

Be aware that if you continue to send spam, even with a VPS server, there is a very good chance that your emails will no longer reach your recipients. Services such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook ... may block you and/or blacklist your SMTP server and domains.

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Questions sur l'article
Dee Il y a 56 days
Comment bloqué une adresse mail qui t envoie les DDos?
See the
1 answers
Jordan-LWS - Il y a 55 days


Je comprends que vous souhaitez bloquer une adresse mail qui pourrait vous envoyer de grandes quantités de mails.

Toutefois, bloquer une adresse email pour se protéger contre les attaques DDoS n'est généralement pas possible directement, car les attaques DDoS ne passent pas par les emails. Elles ciblent habituellement les serveurs en saturant leurs ressources via le réseau. Si vous recevez des emails qui sont liés à une potentielle attaque ou nuisance, voici quelques démarches que vous pouvez entreprendre :

1. Analyser les emails reçus

  • Vérifiez que ces emails contiennent des liens, pièces jointes ou actions nuisibles.
  • Identifiez leur domaine ou adresse spécifique.

2. Bloquer l'adresse email à l'origine des messages :

  • Si l'attaque est liée à des spams :
    • Via cPanel ou Roundcube :  Ajoutez l'adresse email dans les filtres (Filtres de messagerie pour cPanel)
    • Dans votre logiciel email : Ajoutez cette adresse ou domaine dans la liste de blocage (Outlook, Gmail, etc.).

3. Déclaration d’abus :

  • Recherchez le fournisseur d’email ou d'hébergement de l'expéditeur via whois ou l'en-tête des emails.
  • Signalez le comportement abusif au fournisseur du service pour suspension de l’expéditeur.

Voici quelques documentations pouvant vous assister sur la mise en place de l'adresse potentiellement nuisible en liste noire ou dans un filtre Roundcube : 

  • cPanel :
  • Roundcube :

Je vous remercie pour votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information. N'hésitez pas à contacter notre équipe du support technique qui devrait pouvoir vous assister sur les problématiques auquel, vous pourriez être confrontés.

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS 

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