How to connect to your Minecraft Pterodactyl panel


Access the Pterodactyl panel

If you are not connected to your panel, go to the web address contained in the delivery email. The URL will be in this form: For example, if your vps number is 12345, you should go to the address:

You should reach this page:

If you are unable to access this page, make sure you have spelt the address correctly. If too many reinstallations are carried out in a short space of time, it is also possible that the SSL certificate cannot be generated. In this case, you can access the page via the IP address of your VPS. However, if an error persists, you can open an incident ticket with our support by following this documentation: https: //

How to connect to your Minecraft Pterodactyl panel

Fill in the required fields using the username and password provided in the delivery email:

How to connect to your Minecraft Pterodactyl panel

Now you can browse the documentation to create your first Minecraft server, install Forge, mods... And much, much more!


You now know how to access your Pterodactyl panel and navigate to the URL provided in the delivery email. You've also been given tips on how to resolve access problems, such as checking the spelling of the address or using the VPS IP address in the event of a problem with the SSL certificate. What's more, you have the resources you need to open an incident ticket if an error persists. Finally, you're ready to explore the documentation to create your first Minecraft server, install Forge and add mods, enriching your gaming experience. 😊🎮

We hope this article has been helpful and guided you step-by-step towards mastering your server management panel. Thanks for reading 🙏 and don't hesitate to share your thoughts or ask questions by leaving a comment below. Your feedback is invaluable to us!

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