What is a domain name and what does it look like?



A domain name is the " common " name of an Internet site, which makes it easier for users to remember theaddress of a site and to access it easily. For example, GOOGLE.FR is a domain name. (With a .FR ending to indicate its location). When you reserve a domain name, you protect your brand so that no-one can steal your idea.

What does a domain name look like?

The domain name appears in your URL bar. See the attached image for an example:

What is a domain name and what does it look like?

For example, in the image above

  • The domain name is: lws.fr
  • The ending, also known as the extension, is: en

What does an email address associated with a domain name look like?

Once you have chosen your domain name. For example: yourdomain.com

You want to create an administrator email address for your network, so this would be:administrateur@votredomaine.com

What does a sub-domain look like?

In the example below, we'll assume that the base domain name is: lws-hosting.com.

We want to create a sub-domain for a blog.

The address in your search bar will therefore look like this:

What is a domain name and what does it look like?

For example, in the image above

  • the sub-domain will be blog.lws-hosting.com
  • The main domain name will be lws-hosting.com

www.lws.fr is a sub-domain of lws.fr
Historically, this sub-domain is always attached to the main domain and normally displays the same content. However, it is entirely possible to separate them.

How do I order a domain name?

To order a domain name, click here.

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