Optimise the way you send your emails


Why is it that when I try to send emails, they are not delivered?

After configuring your email server, you may find that some emails never reach their destination.

This is due to the policies of service providers such as Gmail and Hotmail, which have considerably tightened their anti-spam policies.

As a result, a large proportion of their users are faced with SPAM problems.

It's important to understand that this type of blocking is not put in place by LWS services, but by Google or Microsoft.

For our part, we do our utmost to ensure optimum delivery of emails:

  • Adding an SPF field to all our DNS zones
  • Adding a Reverse DNS for all the IP addresses we deliver to
  • Optimisation of mail servers (spam and anti-virus filters).

Despite this, the problem remains. As a result, we have developed a partnership with the service provider Mailjet, which undertakes to ensure delivery even for mass mailings.

What is Mailjet?

Mailjet is a Nantes-based company specialising in mass emailing. It offers an emailing solution that can be managed in real time. So it's adaptable, agile and flexible!

The technology developed by Mailjet improves deliverability (i.e. the reception of your sent messages) and also gives you detailed performance indicators on the sending of these emails via their platform.

If you want to take advantage of this technology, you can sign up for an account with them.

How do I link Mailjet to my server?

To link your emails to Mailjet, you need to create a relay on your email server.

It is also important to modify certain DNS zones to increase deliverability.

In this way, emails will no longer be sent from your server but from Mailjet's server.

You can find the procedure for doing this below.

Please note that if this is beyond your skills, we advise you to open an outsourcing service.

How do I create a relay to use Mailjet?

Before carrying out this operation, make sure that your Mailjet account has been created.

Mailjet may ask you for information to identify yourself. If this is the case, we invite you to respond to their request.

CAUTION: the authentication performed at LWS does not allow you to replace Mailjet's authentication.

As Mailjet and LWS are two different organisations, if your email is correctly activated, you can follow the instructions below.

Retrieve the SMTP information from your Mailjet account.

Connect to Mailjet

Click on Control Panel > Configure my SMTP

Optimise the way you send your emails

Retrieve the information described. They will be essential for the rest of this help.

(For security reasons, the account information has been truncated)

Connect to your dedicated VPS serverusing SSH.

  • First, install SASL authentication, which will be used by your VPS to connect to MailJet:
apt-get install libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-sql
  • Edit the values in the postfix Main.cf file
nano /etc/postfix/main.cf

  • Modify the relayhost line
relayhost =[in-v3.mailjet.com]:587
  • Then add these values
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_client smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous

  • Also edit a sasl_client file
nano /etc/postfix/sasl_client

  • Insert these values
[in-v3.mailjet.com]:587 Replace the username here:Replace with the password

Note the ": "symbol is important

  • Now you just need to tell postfix that it must use these parameters
cd /etc/postfix postmap sasl_client

  • Then simply restart Postfix properly
systemctl restart postfix

Configure DKIM and SPF to allow MailJet to send emails to your domain

The purpose of DKIM and SPF is to prevent other people from sending emails using your domain name. And if you don't authorise MailJet, your emails will still be classified as spam or worse, they will be rejected. So don't forget to configure DKIM and SPF according to MailJet's guidelines.

Here is some useful documentation on the subject:

How can I check that my emails are being sent via Mailjet?

You can check your logs on your server.

tail -f /var/log/mail.log

You should obtain this result

Optimise the way you send your emails

You can also check emails directly from the Mailjet Dashboard.

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Questions sur l'article
Pascal Il y a 940 days
Hello, Please give us the application by which to access the mailbox created on the site hosted by LWS. Thank you very much.
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 938 days
Hello, you can access your mailboxes by going to http://mail.domaine.com. Replace domain.com with your domain name. You will need to identify yourself with the email address concerned and the password attached to the email address. You can also use software such as Outlook. For more information, visit https://aide.lws.fr/a/1022
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ced Il y a 803 days
BONSOIR I wish to initialize an ipad, I fill the fields as on my macbook and yet the mails do not leave what to do and how to do.
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 799 days
Hello, in order to configure your mailbox, I invite you to use the following procedure: https://aide.lws.fr/a/1022 As an IMAP or SMTP server, you will need to specify mail.domaine.com (Domaine.com should be replaced by domaine.com. The IMAP port is 993 (SSL) and the SMTP port is 465 (SSL) or 587 (TLS).
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