Check that my domain is properly configured on my server or shared hosting service


In which cases?

This procedure will allow you to check that your domain is correctly configured by performing a few command lines.

You can do this when you don't see your site or if, for example, you have an old version of your site.

Simple diagnostics under Linux and Windows

1- First open the command interpreter (terminal)

2 - Type the command: ping or ping ,(www can be replaced by any sub-domain)

In the event of a normal return, you should have 0% packet loss.

Check that my domain is properly configured on my server or shared hosting service

In the event of a problem, this message will be displayed
ping: unknown host


ping request could not find host

If you get an error or if your domain is not pointing to the correct IP address, go to Advanced Diagnostics

Advanced diagnostics under Linux or Windows

1. Under Linux

Write in the terminal: traceroute

traceroute to, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 0.140 ms 0.116 ms 0.108 ms
2 0.332 ms 0.321 ms 0.314 ms
3 ( 0.627 ms 0.753 ms 0.882 ms
4 * * *
5 ( 26.498 ms 26.561 ms 26.489 ms
6 ( 28.033 ms 29.945 ms 29.831 ms

In the event of a problem, you will get this message Unknown name or service
Cannot handle "host" cmdline arg `' on position 1 (argc 1)


Unable to resolve target system name

If you get this message, go on to the nslookup step

Now let's check that the DNS are properly configured to return the ip of your domain correctly

Write the command: nslookup , is a DNS server used as an example, it is not necessarily yours.

Write the command: nslookup , is a DNS server by way of example, it is not necessarily yours.

Checking the response from the primary server


You should have the IP address available in Manage your DNS from your panel canonical name

You should now have the IP address available in DNS Zone Management from your panel.

Let's also check the primary and secondary DNS servers

Write the command: nslookup ns1.lwsdns. com , you should have the IP address available in DNS Management from your panel.

Write the command: nslookup, you should have the IP address available in Managing your DNS from your panel

Write the command: nslookup ns1.lwsdns. com , you should have the IP address available in Managing your DNS from your panel

Write the command: nslookup ns2.lwsdns. com , you should have the IP address available in Managing your DNS from your panel.

2. On Windows

Write the command: tracert

Check that my domain is properly configured on my server or shared hosting service

As soon as the tracert is finished, it tells you, then just look at the ip on the last line, which must correspond to the ip of your server.

If the ip is not correct, follow the procedure below

Write: nslookup , to check the result of the primary DNS server, is a DNS server as an example, it is not necessarily yours.

Check that my domain is properly configured on my server or shared hosting service

The ip of your server or your shared hosting should appear.

Write: nslookup , to check the result of the secondary DNS server, is a DNS server by way of example, it is not necessarily yours.

If you don't know the ip of your DNS server, you can look it up in your customer area under DNS for your domain.

If you don't know the ip of the server you want to reach, you can look it up in your customer area in the DNS zone section of your domain.

And if you want to be sure of your DNS, write the following commands:

nslookup, both ip must be identical

nslookup , you should see the ip of the secondary server and then the primary server

nslookup , you should see the ip of the primary server, then the secondary one

nslookup, both ip must be identical

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Questions sur l'article
Fabreizhad Il y a 851 days
Bonjour, Lorsque j'envoie un de mon adresse "" vers mon adresse "outlook", ça fonctionne mais si je me réponds, un message d'erreur apparaît : Le DNS a signalé que le domaine du destinataire n’existe pas. Pourquoi ? Merci par avance...
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 849 days
Bonjour, après vérification, votre domaine est actuellement suspendu par le registre dnsbelgium comme vous pouvez le constater en vous rendant sur l'URL suivante: . Je vous invite à prendre contact avec dnsbelgium par email en écrivant à afin d'avoir plus d'informations sur la suspension de ce dernier.
Utile ?
LWS380155 Il y a 483 days
Bonjour, quand je me connecte sur nouveau nom de domaine j'ai un message d'erreur me disant que mon site n'est pas sécurisé. quand je veux passer en https ca me dit que je suis sur la DNS de mon autre nom de domaine
See the
1 answers
Jordan-LWS - Il y a 480 days


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