Renew domains and web hosting on the same invoice


When should I renew?

To avoid any suspension of your account or any costs for restoring your domain name, it is important not to wait until the expiry date to renew.

If you renew before the expiry date, you do not lose the days/months that separate you from the expiry date: the renewal starting point remains the expiry date, not the renewal date.

Example: My domain expires on 25/08/2016 and I renew it for one year on 08/03/2016 = it will therefore expire on 25/08/2017.

What is the expiry date of my account?

The correct expiry date for your domain name and web hosting is the one indicated in your customer area.

For reasons imposed by the various domain name registries (ICANN, Afnic, DNS.BE, etc.) or by the technical margin that we apply to avoid any loss of domains (see GTC), the expiry date of your domain name and/or web hosting does not necessarily correspond to the anniversary date of your domain name and/or web hosting.

Example: if I purchase a .COM domain name on 20/05/2016 for 12 months, its expiry date will be 18/05/2017.

Renewal reminders - Non-tacit renewal

If you have not activated the tacit renewal of your domain name and/or shared web hosting, you will receive several reminders by e-mail and SMS, inviting you to renew your package from 30 days before expiry.

Renew domains and web hosting on the same invoice

Renewal reminders - Tacit renewal

If you have activated automatic renewal for your domain name and/or shared web hosting and/or VPS, SVC, BCK, then you will receive several notices by E-mail & SMS to warn you of the scheduled renewal as well as in the event that we are unable to carry out the direct debit.

Direct debits are made 5 days before the due date on your account.

If this is unsuccessful, we will attempt to debit each day until 2 days before the due date.

It is therefore essential to check your direct debit details and update them if necessary (registered bank card expired).

If 2 days before the due date, the direct debit has not been carried out, you will have to renew manually from your LWS Panel customer area.

Renew domains and web hosting on the same invoice

How do I renew several domain names and/or web hosting on the same invoice?

  1. Log in to your LWS Panel customer area,
  2. Check the domain name(s) and/or web hosting(s) you wish to renew and then click on the "Go" button at the bottom of the list.

Renew domains and web hosting on the same invoice

3. Your quote will appear on the screen. Indicate the commitment period you want before updating your quote, then choose the payment method you prefer (credit card, PayPal, debit from your prepaid credit, bank transfer, cheque, postal order or money order depending on the time remaining before your account expires).

Renew domains and web hosting on the same invoice

Video tutorial: how to renew a domain name

Video tutorial: how to renew a domain name without access?


You can now renew several domain names and/or web hosting services with LWS. We advise you to renew your services a few days before they expire to avoid any suspension of services.

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Questions sur l'article
Frank Il y a 944 days
Bonjour, J'ai renouveler mon nom de domaine, mais pas le VPS que j'avais pris . J'avais penser que c'est la même compte ?
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 940 days
Bonjour, les noms de domaine et les VPS sont deux services totalement différents. De ce fait, si votre nom de domaine est lié au VPS, il vous est nécessaire de renouveler aussi bien le nom de domaine que le VPS. En cas d'oublie du renouvellement du VPS, vous disposez de 20 jours pour le renouveler, une fois ce dernier suspendu.
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Arthur811 Il y a 824 days
Bonjour j’ai acheté un hébergement qui expire le 25/08/2023 Maintenant je viens d’acheter un nom de domaine et je veux l'héberger sur ma formule d’hébergement qui expire le 25/08/2023 alors que mon nom de domaine qui expire le 21/11/2023
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1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 820 days
BOnjour, vous avez la possibilité d'ajouter un second domaine à votre formule actuelle, si vous disposez d'une formule LWS Starter ou supérieur ou d'une formule cPanel. Si vous disposez d'une formule de type LWS Starter, vous pouvez suivre la procédure suivante: . Dans le cas d'une formule cPanel , la documentation a suivre sera la suivante:
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