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1. Go to the login page for your Prestashop interface and click on"Forgot your password?
2. Enter your email address and click on"Send reset link". If you used the auto-installer to install your online shop, the email address is the same as the one used for your LWS customer area.
3. Open the email you received and click on the password reset link .
4. Enter a new password and click on the"Reset password" button.
If this first method does not work, you will need to follow the method below to change the Prestashop password directly on your database.
Prestashop 1.7: To find your _COOKIE_KEY_, simply go to the "parameters.php" file located in the "app/config" folder of your installation.
Prestashop 1.6 : To find your _COOKIE_KEY_, just go to the file "setting.inc.php" located in the "config" folder of your installation.
You'll find something similar to :
define('_COOKIE_KEY_', 'avptmxg0d6FcsM1up8HW0ZmqTGvd1Hoh10BHhNg0wE2GCPp0apwZXDPA');
You can access this file using either the"LWS Web Transfert" tool or the fileZilla software.
Copy the contents of your _COOKIE_KEY_ and put it aside (avptmxg0d6FcsM1up8HW0ZmqTGvd1Hoh10BHhNg0wE2GCPp0apwZXDPA).
Choose a new password for the administration of your site. In my example, I chose the following password: mynewpassword
Once you've chosen or generated your new password, copy it after your _COOKIE_KEY_. In my example, I have :
Connect to PHPMyAdmin
1. Click on your database used by PrestaShop
2. Search for the term ps_employee then click on this table
3. Then click on the Edit button
4. Modify the"passwd" table, to do this delete the characters already present then replace it with your modified _COOKIE_KEY_ , so you should have this :
Then, in the drop-down menu, choose an"md5" encoding and run
Once this has been done, your password has been changed and you can administer your Prestashop site again.
You are now able to Initialise the password for your Prestashop online shop via your PHPMyAdmin access with LWS.
Don't hesitate to share your comments and questions!
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