Anti-DDoS filter - management policy in the event of a DDoS attack


What is a DDoS filter?

A DDoS attack aims to make a server, service or infrastructure unavailable by overloading the server's bandwidth, or by hogging its resources until they are exhausted.

The DdoS protection we apply to domain names, shared web hosting and virtual private servers ensures that Ddos attacks are effectively stopped.

How does the anti-DDoS filter work?

When our systems detect abnormal traffic on a service we host, our anti-DDoS filter applies several levels of security:

  • 1st alert: services are monitored for 24 hours --> no symptoms.
  • 2nd alert: blocking of UDP traffic for 10 minutes --> this may cause problems resolving the domain name.
  • 3rd alert: ICMP traffic blocked for 10 minutes --> server no longer responds to ping and cannot send.
  • 4th alert: UDP traffic blocked for 10 minutes --> domain name resolution works normally but other UDP protocols are blocked.
  • 5th alert: blocking of all traffic for 10 minutes --> the server is completely unreachable.

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