Connecting to a WebDAV server under Linux



WebDAV, or Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, is a protocol that extends HTTP for managing files on remote servers. It allows server directories to be mounted on your local system for easy use in a variety of applications.

Installing the WebDAV Client

Under Linux, you will need a WebDAV client such as cadaver, dav2fs, or davfs2. These clients can be installed via the package manager of your Linux distribution.

Connecting to the Server

Use Nautilus in the GNOME environment and enter the URL with davs:// instead of https:// to initiate the connection.

Connecting to a WebDAV server under Linux

Using cURL with WebDAV

You can also use cURL from the command line to manage files on a WebDAV server:

Send a file :

curl -T file.ext -u user:password

Retrieve a file:

curl -u user:password -o fichier.ext

Rename a file :

curl -X MOVE --header "destination:" "" -u user:password

Create a folder :

curl -X MKCOL -u user:password

Delete a file/folder :

curl -X DELETE -u user:password.

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