How do I upload Wordpress created on my computer?



Creating a WordPress site using WAMP is a brilliant way to speed up development. In this article, you will learn how to manually publish a WordPress website from a local host (your computer) to your LWS hosting.

How to put a locally created Wordpress site online on my computer

In this tutorial you will learn how to upload a locally created Wordpress site to your computer.

This operation is simple, and in most cases can be carried out by copying the files and configuring the database settings in the wp-config.php file.

Step 1: Change the URLs

Log in to your Wordpress dashboard, then go to the"Settings " menu:

1- Click on the General menu

2- Change the two addresses, Wordpress Web Address and Site Web Address (URL ), which are in http://localhost to the domain you have registered with LWS.

How do I upload Wordpress created on my computer?

Step 2: Save the database

You will then need to connect to the phpMyAdmin utility on your computer via the URL below to export your database:


How do I upload Wordpress created on my computer?

1- Choose the database from the list on the left, just click with the mouse

2- Then click on the Export tab

3 - Choose the data type: SQL

4- Click on the Run button to launch the backup. A dialogue box will open asking you for the desired backup path (or in the folder indicated in your Internet browser preferences).

Step 3: Creating the online database

To create your database on your hosting, please follow the instructions below:

- on an LWS Standard Linux package

- on a cPanel package

Step 4: Importing your database into your LWS hosting

To import your database, you need to connect to the PHPMyAdmin utility by following this documentation:

- on an LWS Standard Linux package

- on a cPanel package

How do I upload Wordpress created on my computer?

-Click on the Browse button and select the database you have saved from your PC

-Select SQL as the data format

-Click on Execute to launch the import

Step 5: Modify the wp-config.php file

Now that you've backed up your database, you're going to publish the web files for your site on your new LWS hosting,

First you'll need to edit the wp-config file to adapt it to your new LWS database, as the database name, user name and password are not the same.

You can download the MySQL LWS parameters by following this link if you are using an LWS Standard Linux formula. For a cPanel package, you entered your connection details when you created the database. You can retrieve them or change the password by following this link.

Your site files are located in c:/wamp/www/ if you have installed wamp on the"c" disk of your computer:

Open the wp-config.php file using your text editor and replace the database parameters with those of your hosting database. For cPanel, enter "localhost" instead of "ip_du_serveur_MySQL_LWS".

How do I upload Wordpress created on my computer?

6th step: Publish Wordpress files on your LWS hosting

By default, all Wordpress files to be published are located on your computer in the c:/wamp/www/ folder.

To publish them on your LWS hosting, please follow this documentation for the LWS Standard Linux package. On the cPanel package, the procedure is identical, but the FTP identifiers will be recovered by following the documentation on this link.

Step 7: Finish

That's it! Your WordPress site has been correctly imported.


You are now ready to put a locally created WordPress site online on your computer. Don't hesitate to share your comments or questions!

If you have any problems with this procedure, please do not hesitate to contact technical support from the "support" section of your customer area by following this documentation

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