How do I activate a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on my site with HestiaCP?


What is an SSL certificate?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology plays a crucial role in protecting data exchanged on the Internet. It assures visitors to a website that their information is being exchanged securely. When you surf the Internet and enter personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, SSL encrypts this data. This means that the information is transformed into a complex code, making it extremely difficult for hackers to intercept or modify it.

Websites that use this technology can be identified by their URL address, which begins with"https://" instead of "http://", with the extra "s" indicating "secure". This little detail ensures that you are on a legitimate site and that your data is protected throughout its transmission.

Why Let's Encrypt?

Let's Encrypt is a certification authority that offers a practical, free solution for securing websites using free SSL certificates.

Its popularity is based on the fact that itautomates the process of obtaining and renewing certificates, thereby reducing complexity and management time for site administrators.

This initiative promotes greater security on the Internet by making encryption accessible to everyone and guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged. In addition, thanks to its open and transparent model, Let's Encrypt strengthens user confidence while facilitating the widespread adoption of the HTTPS protocol.

How do I activate a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on my site with HestiaCP?

How do I activate a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on my site with HestiaCP?

  • Tick the boxes "Enable SSL for this domain" and "Use Let's Encrypt to obtain SSL certificate". Then click Save.

How do I activate a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on my site with HestiaCP?

  • Wait a few moments ... Your certificate is installed! You can check it via the certificate displayed at the bottom of the page. This certificate is automatically renewed every 3 months.

How do I activate a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on my site with HestiaCP?


You now know how :

  • Recognise the importance of SSL technology for data security on the Internet. 🛡️
  • Identify secure websites by their URL starting with https://. 🔒
  • Appreciate the advantages of the Let's Encrypt certification authority, and its role in the democratisation of HTTPS. 👍
  • Activate a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on your site via HestiaCP by following simple and practical steps. 🖥️

By adopting this knowledge, you'll be well equipped to browse and manage websites with greater confidence in the protection of your personal information and that of your users.

Thank you for reading this article! If you have any questions or would like to share your experience of activating SSL on your site, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Your feedback is valuable to us and the community! 🌟

To discover high-performance, ready-to-use hosting solutions, check out our offers for turnkey VPS servers equipped with HestiaCP. Click here 👉 Discover our HestiaCP offers.

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