How do I add a website to a Hestia CP VPS dedicated server?


Requirements for installing a new website on your HestiaCP VPS dedicated server

To add a website, you first need a domain name. A domain name is like the postal address of a house, but for finding a website on the Internet. Instead of giving complicated details, such as a series of numbers (called an IP address, for example for Google), we use names that are easy to remember and type in, such as The domain name is therefore used as a shortcut to access a range of services on the Internet, such as websites, e-mail services and online storage spaces.

How do I order a domain name?

Follow this documentation to find out how to order a domain name.

How do I add a website to HestiaCP?

We assume that your domain is active and that your domain name points to the IP address of the VPS server. If this is not the case, you can do so by following the "How do I modify the A zone of a domain name?" section of this documentation.

How do I add a website to a Hestia CP VPS dedicated server?

  • If you are using the "Admin" user, HestiaCP will prompt you to create one. Simply click on "Add a user". Then fill in the various fields and click Save.

How do I add a website to a Hestia CP VPS dedicated server?

How do I add a website to a Hestia CP VPS dedicated server?

  • Once the user has been registered, you can connect directly to it by clicking on the "Users" tab and then on the icon with an arrow, as shown in the screenshot.

How do I add a website to a Hestia CP VPS dedicated server?

  • Go back to the Web tab and click on "Add a domain" again. Enter the domain name. If you want to use the mail service of your VPS, you must also tick "Create a mail domain". You can find more information about managing mailboxes in this documentation. Finally, click on "Save.

How do I add a website to a Hestia CP VPS dedicated server?

  • To upload your web files, go to the file manager and then to the web/monsite.test/public_html/ folder.

How do I add a website to a Hestia CP VPS dedicated server?

How do I add a website to a Hestia CP VPS dedicated server?


You now know how to :

  • Identify the necessary prerequisites before installing a new site on your dedicated VPS server with HestiaCP.
  • Order a domain name to set up your website address.
  • Add a website on HestiaCP by pointing your domain name to the IP address of the VPS server.
  • Create a new user if necessary and navigate the HestiaCP panel to configure your domain.
  • Manage the addition of an email domain associated with your site and dump your web files into the appropriate folder.

🚀 Thanks to these clear and concise steps, you are now ready to take off into the world of web hosting with HestiaCP! 🌐

Many thanks for reading! 🙏 Don't hesitate to leave a comment to share your experience or ask any questions you may have about the service. We're here to help and share! 💬

To discover high-performance, ready-to-use hosting solutions, check out our offers for turnkey VPS servers equipped with HestiaCP. Click here 👉 Discover our HestiaCP offers.

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