How do I add modules to a single page?


Why only add modules to a single page?

It may be necessary toadd certain modules on a single page, such as the"Contact form" or"Google Maps" element. This is why SiteBuilder Pro allows you to define whether you want to insert a module on a specific page or on several pages.

How do I add modules to a single page only?

1. Log in to your SiteBuilder Pro interface

2. Click on the element (1) for which you want to change the visibility and go to the "Visibility" section (2 ) in the right-hand column of your interface.

How do I add modules to a single page?

3. In the"Visibility" section, you have the following options:

  • Display on current page only: Allows you to display the element on the page you are currently on.

How do I add modules to a single page?

  • Display the element on all pages: Allows you to display the same element on all the pages of your site.

How do I add modules to a single page?

  • Display on a specific page: Allows you to display the element on the page(s) of your choice.

How do I add modules to a single page?


You are now able to add a module to a specific page of your site created with SiteBuilder Pro on your Web hosting package.

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DJFAB Il y a 858 days
En passant sur la nouvelle version site builder pro , mon site est modifié sur sa structure d'origine c'est très compliqué d'y insérer des éléments sans bouleversement Je voudrais avoir à disposition des tutos et des videos plus explicites cdt
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Bonjour, je vous invite à optimiser votre site pour les différents types d'écrans en suivant la procédure suivante: .
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