How to configure SMTP mail sending on Wordpress


How to configure SMTP email sending on WordPress

If you're having trouble receiving or sending emails from your WordPress site. One solution is to use third-party email services, such as Mailgun. However, these services are not free. In this article, we'll show you how to use an SMTP server to send WordPress emails.

How to configure SMTP email sending on WordPress

To enable SMTP email sending from your Wordpress, you need to install and activate the WP SMTP plug-in

  1. Connect to your Wordpress back office
  2. In the menu bar, click on Extensions, then Add

How to configure SMTP mail sending on Wordpress

Enter WP SMTP as the keyword to search for the extension:

How to configure SMTP mail sending on Wordpress

Locate the following extension among the others, and click on the Install button, then Activate .

How to configure SMTP mail sending on Wordpress

Next, to set up our WP SMTP extension, from the Settings menu, click on WP SMTP

How to configure SMTP mail sending on Wordpress

Below are the different configuration options:

How to configure SMTP mail sending on Wordpress

  1. From: Email address used in the From field, use the same email address as your SMTP username.
  2. From Name: Text used in the From field. For example, you could enter Administrator.
  3. SMTP Host. Name of the mail server. for example
  4. Encryption Type. This is usually SSL, you can change it to TLS if that doesn't work.
  5. SMTP port. Port used to send outgoing mail to the mail server. Use port 465 for SSL and 587 for TLS and if the option is disabled (set to None).
  6. SMTP authentication . This option must be enabled.
  7. SMTP user name . The username you use to access the email account, this is your email address for example
  8. SMTP password . The password you use to access the email account.

  • Note: You can retrieve the mail settings for your domain from your customer area under Mail administration, then by clicking on the Configure button to the right of each mail address.

Click on the Save changes button when you have finished entering the settings.

The section at the bottom of the page allows you to test the current configuration:

How to configure SMTP mail sending on Wordpress

  1. To: enter the recipient's email address in this field
  2. Subject: subject of the email, for example: test email
  3. Message: content of the message

Then click on the Send Test button to send the email. If all goes well, the email will be received in the mailbox indicated in the To field.


You are now able to configure SMTP mail sending from your Wordpress. This will undoubtedly ensure the deliverability of your emails and prevent them from being blocked by Antispam.

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