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You have linked your domain to CloudFlare using the latter's DNS and you want to configure a cron task from your customer area in the associated section, but the task only executes once without repeating itself at the time interval you wanted. This is a known problem, CloudFlare blocks the execution of crons sent from our services. To overcome this problem, here's a workaround.
The cron tasks configured from the customer area don't work if you use CloudFlare DNS. To overcome this problem, please follow this procedure:
In the "DNS" section, add a CNAME record as shown in the following example:
Replace "cron" with the name of your sub-domain.
Replace "domain.ext" with your domain name.
Make sure that the cloud is grey and not orange. This tells CloudFlare that you don't want to use its services for this sub-domain.
You can then click on the "Add Record" button.
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