How do I create an FTP backup of a website on cPanel?


Why create a backup of your website?

Creating a backup of your website is both necessary and very important. A backup will enable you to restore your website quickly if necessary (error when updating your site, installation of a module or theme that is not compatible with it).

When setting up a website using a database, it is advisable to have several back-ups of the database so as to lose as little data as possible, especially when this database may contain access information for your customers' accounts, orders or invoices.

How do you create a backup of your site using FTP?

To create a backup of your site using FTP, you need to :

  • FileZilla software installed: This is an FTP client that allows you to connect to your FTP space and upload your files.
  • The connection details for your FTP client space: you will probably have received this information by email. If you forget, you can request the connection information again.

1. Open your FileZilla software, enter the host of your FTP space, its login and the password associated with the login.

How do I create an FTP backup of a website on cPanel?

2. As soon as you are connected to your FTP space, double-click on the"public_html" or"www" directory. All the data associated with your customer area is stored in this directory.

How do I create an FTP backup of a website on cPanel?

3. Select all the files you want to save on your computer, right-click and select"Download". All the files will go into the download queue (waiting) and download automatically to your computer.

How do I create an FTP backup of a website on cPanel?

How do I back up my MySQL database on cPanel?

In order to connect to your MySQL database via PHPMyAdmin, you need to have access to your cPanel interface.

1. To access your cPanel interface, connect to your site administration in your LWS customer area and click on the"Access to cPanel" button.

How do I create an FTP backup of a website on cPanel?

2. Go to the"Database" section of your cPanel web hosting and click on the"PHPMyAdmin" button to access your MySQL database.

How do I create an FTP backup of a website on cPanel?

3. Click on the"Export" button on your database.

How do I create an FTP backup of a website on cPanel?

4. First, choose the export method. You can choose between :

  • Fast: this allows you to download all the databases and SQL tables.
  • Custom: this lets you choose which database to download, and which tables to save.

Then choose the format of your backup. The default format is .SQL, but you can choose to have the same backup in .CSV or ZIP format, depending on your needs. Once you've made your choice, click on the 'Run' button to download the file.

How do I create an FTP backup of a website on cPanel?


You can now back up your website using an FTP client such as FileZilla, as well as your MySQL database on your cPanel web hosting with LWS.

Having a backup of your website is an important thing that will allow you to quickly restore your website in the event of a problem. A module allows you to make automatic backups via cPanel directly for your website. The automatic backup system also allows you to back up emails on your cPanel web hosting.

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