How to create and manage a mailing list on CPANEL


Mailing lists on cPanel

Mailing lists allow you to send emails to several recipients at once.
This feature is very useful when you need to send a newsletter or send emails to a group of people.

This tutorial shows you how to create a mailing list on your cPanel hosting.

Creating a mailing list on cPanel

To create a mailing list, connect to your cPanel, go to the Email section and then click on the "Mailing lists" icon.

How to create and manage a mailing list on CPANEL

On the next page, we'll configure our mailing list:

How to create and manage a mailing list on CPANEL

  • List name: Enter the name of the mailing list
  • Choose the domain
  • Password: Enter the password for the mailing list or generate a strong password using the Password Generator button.
  • Retype the password.
  • Access type: Public: subscriptions are open. Private: subscriptions must be approved by the administrator.
  • Click the Add button to save the settings.
  • To add users to the "Bulk subscription" mailing list and assign administrative rights to available "Delegation" users, follow the section Managing mailing lists after creation

Mailing list management

All the mailing lists you have created will be listed in the Current lists section:

How to create and manage a mailing list on CPANEL

The list contains the following options:

  • List name: name of the mailing list
  • Usage: amount of disk space used by the mailing list
  • Access: private or public type
  • Administrator: administrators of the mailing list
  • Functions: administrative action functions for the mailing list:

Delete: deletes the mailing list

Change password: allows you to change the mailing list password.

  • Manage: redirects you to the mailing list management panel:

For a mass subscription: click on Membership Management then on Mass Subscription:

How to create and manage a mailing list on CPANEL

  • This option lets you choose whether you want to subscribe users directly to the mailing list, or send them a confirmation email instead.
  • Whether or not to send a welcome email to customers when they subscribe to the mailing list
  • Allows you to send notification of new subscriptions
  • To subscribe new users or send invitations. You only need to add one email address per line or import a list from a file using the Browse button.
  • The text to be displayed at the top of the invitation email

Once you have finished, click Submit Your Changes to save your changes.

Other options available for the mailing list to be managed:

Mass removal: the option removes users from your mailing list
Privacy options: Privacy options
Subscription rules: this section allows you to configure the exposure policy for subscriptions and members.
Sender filter Filtres de l'expéditeur: this section contains commands for moderating publications by members and non-members.
Recipient filter Filtres de destinataire: this section allows you to configure different filters depending on the recipient of the message.
Anti-spam filters: this section allows you to configure different anti-spam publication filters, which can help reduce the amount of spam your list members end up receiving.

Delegation: assigns administrative rights to available users.

How to create and manage a mailing list on CPANEL

Use the arrows to add/exclude selected users from the list of administrators and click Save.


You are now able to add and manage a mailing list on your cPanel shared hosting with LWS.
Don't hesitate to contact our technical support team via a trouble ticket if you have any questions.

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