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A web hosting package on a cPanel Cloud server allows you to define different resources such as disk space quota, bandwidth, RAM usage or the domain name for each cPanel customer account. Each web hosting package can be modified and deleted as required. However, the three default packages cannot be deleted.
1. Log into your WHM management interface and click on the"Delete a package" tab in the"Packages" section.
2. Select the package you wish to delete and click on the "Delete" button. Please note that it is not possible to delete a web hosting package used by a domain name. In order to delete it, you will first need to modify the web hosting package attached to each of the domain names.
You can now delete a cPanel web hosting package from your WHM management interface with LWS. You can modify the resources of each web hosting package at any time or use the default packages for your cPanel Cloud Server. Please note that the three default packages available on your WHM interface cannot be modified or deleted.
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