Why does Google consider my site to be misleading?


How to remove the "The website you are about to open is misleading" message

Google blacklists over 10,000 sites every day.
It's hard to focus on fixing your hacked website when all your visitors can't access it.
This tutorial helps you remove this Google warning so you can restore your website.

My site displays "The website you are about to open is misleading "

If you get the message below when you open your website it's because it's on Google's blacklist, Google has analysed your site and detected harmful behaviour.

Why does Google consider my site to be misleading?

This large red warning page is designed to prevent visitors from accessing your site.

The red warning page links to another page describing the reasons why the website has been blacklisted by Google, but there is always another link so you can find out more.

To check if your site is on the Goolge blacklist
Enter your URL on the following page: https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search
If your site is blacklisted You can see a list of suspicious files hosted on your site in the report provided by Google by pressing the blue Open the Security issue report button on the following page https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/3258249

Details about the security of your site:

In the report consulted, malicious content may be reported on one or more pages of your site. Make a note of these URLs as they will be useful when you are ready to remove malware from your site.

The report may also indicate traces of malicious domains on your site, or of a hidden iframe, an external script or an unauthorised redirect. Make a note of these domain names to look for them in the next section.

This section also contains information on whether your site contains malicious redirects or downloads hosted on your servers.

Next, look for the scan date (the date Google recently scanned your site) and the discovery date (the date the suspicious content was originally detected).

These dates can help you later when examining recently modified files.

If you've already tried to clean up your site but the scan date is more recent, Google thinks your site is still infected.

How to scan for malware:

You can use the free Sucuri SiteCheck tool to scan your site for malware and its location.

To scan your website using Sucuri SiteCheck:

1- Go to the Sucuri SiteCheck website https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/ and enter the URL of your website.
2- Click on Scan Website
3- If the website is infected, make a note of the payload and file locations found by SiteCheck.

How to disinfect my site

To manually remove a malicious programme from the files on your website:

  • Connect to your host via FTP
  • Create a backup of the site before making any changes.
  • Search your files for any references to malicious domains or filenames that you have noted.
  • Identify unknown or recently modified files.
  • Restore suspicious files with copies of a clean backup.
  • Test your site to check that it is still operational after modifications.

Once your site has been disinfected, simply inform Google that your site has been cleaned so that it can be submitted for a new analysis.

How to submit my site for a new analysis:

To submit your site for a new analysis you must have a Google Search Console account (formerly Webmaster Tools).

  • Go to the Security Issues tab in Search Console
  • Review the issues to confirm that they have all been cleaned up.
  • Check the box to confirm that you have resolved the issues.
  • Click Request Review.
  • Fill in the information with as much detail as possible about what has been cleaned up.

How long does it take to process a review request?

- A spam-type hack can take several weeks

- Malware hacking: a few days

- A phishing problem: approximately one day

Once the review is complete, you will receive the response in the Messages section of Search Console.

If Google determines that your site is no longer infected, the warnings in browsers and search results will be removed within 72 hours.

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