How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?



Welcome to this documentation that will help you navigate smoothly between LWS mail services Pro and Standard. Whether you're looking to optimise your resources or take advantage of additional features, we'll guide you through each step of the process to ensure a smooth transition. We've made sure these instructions are clear and straightforward to help you get the most out of your email.

I. Foreword

LWS offers its customers two mail services with different features that can be managed and configured in a similar way on the LWS Panel.

The first service, known as "Standard", is included with the purchase of a domain name or hosting package. Depending on the hosting package, this service includes more or fewer email addresses, but cannot exceed 5 GB of allocated space per address.

LWS also allows you to purchase professional email addresses that can be used to extend the quotas offered with the "Standard" service, to have a Dedicated IP for sending email or to take advantage ofan email service with a domain purchased from another service provider. This service is called the "Mail Pro service".

Although these two services operate very similarly, they have different quotas, which we invite you to consult in this documentation.

II. Why switch an email address from one service to another?

There are various reasons why you might want to switch an email address from one service to another, the most common of which are outlined below:

Maximum number of email addresses reached on the Standard service

A fairly common situation is to have created as many email addresses as the email service attached to your hosting package allows. In this case, one solution may be to change your package to a higher-end hosting package of the same range offering a higher quota in terms of the number of email addresses.

However, this solution may not be the best option if you are already on the largest package in the range or if the cost of changing package is higher than the cost of creating a Pro email address.

Disk space saturated on the Standard mail service.

In the same way as for the previous point, the storage volume of the Standard email service can be saturated. It is generally limited to 2 GB for domain packages and 50 GB for hosting packages. Creating Pro email addresses or switching an email address from the Standard service to the Pro service can then free up the space allocated for the other email addresses.

Disk space per email address.

On the Standard email service, an email address has a maximum capacity of 2 GB for domain packages and 5 GB for hosting packages. If you need more storage, you can switch this email address to the Pro mail service to obtain storage capacities of up to 50 GB per email address.

Capacity in terms of number of emails per email address.

As with the previous point, saturation can come from the email address's capacity to hold a certain number of emails. This capacity is 30,000 emails on the Standard service and 150,000 on the mail Pro service. Therefore, switching an email address from the Standard service to the Pro mail service allows you to keep a larger number of emails.

Unused Pro mail capacity

On the other hand, if a Pro email address does not use the capacities offered on this service and it falls within the characteristics of the Standard service, switching a Pro email address to Standard can optimise the costs of your business.

III. Converting a Standard email address into a Pro email address

A. Checks to be carried out before switching

Before switching an email address from the Standard service to the Pro service, you must first check that this action will be possible.

Step 1 : First, you need to log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting or mail service for which you want to switch your email address.

If you don't have any of the products listed in the"other services" tab, you must first purchase a Mail Pro service with a sufficient number of email addresses to enable you to switch the email addresses you want.

If you have already placed an order for a Mail Pro service associated with the domain name you want, then you need to access the domain name to check that you have enough email addresses to create new ones.

Step 2: Access your mail service management by clicking on the"Mail Administration" icon in the"Administering your Mail Pro service" section.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

Step 3: You can check the number of email addresses used and the number of email addresses still available for your Pro mail service by looking at the quotas displayed at the top right of your email management.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

If you still have email addresses available, then you can move on to the next step, which will allow you to switch over.

If, on the other hand, you no longer have any quotas available, we invite you to follow the "How to order an Email Pro address for a domain managed by LWS" section of this documentation in order to purchase new addresses.

B. Changeover procedure

If you had to recommend email addresses, return to the administration of your Pro email addresses by following the steps in section "A. Pre-changeover check" of this documentation.

Then follow these steps to switch an email address from the Standard service to the Pro service:

Step 1: Click on the"Action" button (1) of the Standard Type email address you wish to switch from the Standard service to the Pro service, then click on the"Quota" choice (2) in the menu that will be displayed.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

Step 2: In the window that appears, select a new quota from the following choices: Mail S, Mail M, Mail L. The choices offered differ depending on the type of Pro email addresses you have already ordered.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

Once you have made your choice, click on the"Confirm" button.

In the list of email addresses, you will then see that your address has been changed to Pro type, that it can contain up to 150,000 emails and that its storage volume has been adapted according to your choice of Pro address type.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

Your mail service quotas have also been updated. The space allocated to the Pro email address has been freed from the Standard service, as has the number of emails, which has been reduced by one, whereas the Pro service has one less address available.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

IV. Converting a Pro email address into a Standard email address

A. Checks to be carried out before switching over

Before switching an email address from the Pro service to the Standard service, you must first check that this action will be possible.

Step 1 : First, you need to log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting or mail service for which you want to switch your email address.

Step 2: Access the management of your mail service by clicking on the"Mail Administration" icon in the"Administration of your Mail Pro service" section.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

Step 3: Quotas are displayed in the top right-hand corner of your email management. You need to check that the number of email addresses available on your Standard service allows you to perform the switchover and that the disk space allocated has enough available space to perform the switchover.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

If you have no more email addresses available or not enough disk space allocated, then it will not be possible to switch your email address from the Pro service to the Standard service. You will first need to reduce the space allocated to existing email addresses or delete unnecessary addresses to free up email address locations or allocated storage volume.

Step 4 : You should also check in the list of addresses created that the email address you want to switch over does not contain more than 30,000 emails and does not contain a data volume greater than 2 GB for a domain package and 5 GB for a hosting package.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

If the above values are exceeded, you will have no choice but to clean up your email address to remove content and get back under the limits.

If all your checks indicate that you can switch over, then you can do so as described in the next section of this documentation.

B. Switchover procedure

Follow these steps to switch an email address from the Pro service to the Standard service:

Step 1: Click on the"Action" button (1) of the Type Pro email address you wish to switch from the Pro service to the Standard service, then click on the"Quota" choice (2) in the menu that will be displayed.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

Step 2: In the window that appears, select a new quota apart from the following choices: Mail S, Mail M, Mail L. The choices offered differ depending on the type of Pro email addresses you have already ordered.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

Once you have made your choice, click on the"Confirm" button.

In the list of email addresses, you will then see that your address has been switched to Standard Type, that it can contain up to 30,000 emails and that its storage volume has been adapted according to the storage volume chosen.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?

The quotas for your mail services have also been updated. The space allocated to the email address switched to Standard has been added to the Standard service, as has the number of emails, which has been increased by one, whereas the Pro service indicates one more address available.

How can you easily migrate your emails between LWS Pro and Standard mail services?


You are now ready to switch between the LWS Pro and Standard mail services with complete peace of mind. This guide is designed to make your LWS experience easier by taking you through each step of the switchover process. Remember that our team is here to help you if you encounter any problems or have any questions. Make the most of your LWS services!

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