How do I edit a file using the File Manager?



The file manager is a utility that lets you edit php, html, css, txt, .htaccess, etc. files directly from your web browser. This can be a useful solution if you don't have a file editor on your computer or if you want to avoid transferring files between your computer and your hosting.

If you don't know how to access the file manager of your LWS Panel hosting, we invite you to follow this documentation.

How do I edit and save a file with the File Manager?

1. Right-click with the mouse on the file you wish to edit and select"Edit". You can also double-click on the file to edit it.

How do I edit a file using the File Manager?

2. Once you have made the changes, click on the"Save changes" button at the top right of your screen.

How do I edit a file using the File Manager?

[If you are using a cache system, remember to purge it so that you can view your changes[/tips].


You now know how to :

  • Access your file manager from the LWS Panel to edit your web documents directly online.
  • Use basic functions such as editing a php, html, css, txt, .htaccess file, etc., in just a few clicks.
  • Save changes to your files quickly and easily, without the need for additional tools.
  • Take cache systems into account and know that it's essential to purge them so that your changes are visible.

🌟 With this knowledge in your pocket, you're now armed to manage your files independently and efficiently, directly from your browser. No need to bother with file transfers or external text editors! 💻🚀

Thank you for following us throughout this article. If you have any questions or feedback to share, please don't hesitate to leave us a comment below. Your opinion means a lot to us and we're always happy to assist our community. Happy managing your files!

👋 Thanks for reading and see you soon on our service!

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