How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?


Why have a Wordpress Multisite network?

A Wordpress MultiSite network lets you create several websites using the same administration interface.

Creating a backup of your website

Here are the steps you need to take to start up your Wordpress Multisite network.

Create a backup of your current site. A backup can be very useful if you have a problem during configuration and you need to restore your website.

Edit the wp-config.php file

1. Connect to your web space using your FTP client (FileZilla)

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

2. Right-click on the"wp-config.php" file located on the remote server side (right-hand side of your screen) and then on"View/Edit" to be able to modify this file.

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

3. Before the first line"require" add the following code:

define ('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

4. Save the wp-config.php file.

Activating Multisite mode on Wordpress

1. Connect to the dashboard of your Wordpress website.

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

2. Click on"Extensions" and then on"Installed extensions". Check all the extensions and select"Deactivate". Finally, click on"Apply". It is impossible to activate the network if you have active extensions.

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

3. Click on the"Tools" tab and then on"Network creation".

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

4. Choose a title and an email address for the Wordpress Multisite network. Finally, click on"Install".

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

5. You will now have two texts. One needs to be added to your"wp-config.php" file and the other needs to be added to your ".htaccess" file.

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

6. Open your"wp-config.php" file and insert the lines defined in the first frame of your dashboard below the line"do not touch the following":

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

7. Open your ".htaccess" file and add the lines in the second frame.

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?

If all has gone well, you should have a super-admin dash board allowing you to add users, websites, themes and also the settings for your website network.

How do you install and configure your Wordpress Multisite network?


You are now ready to create your Wordpress website or blog network with LWS. A Wordpress multisite network can make it easier for you to manage your websites.

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