How to migrate your Wordpress site from another server to LWS hosting



When you migrate your WordPress site to a new server or to a different location on your server, you don't need to reinstall it. WordPress is flexible enough to handle all of these situations.

If you are moving WordPress from another server to your LWS hosting, start by backing up your WordPress directory, images, plugins, and other files on your site, as well as the database.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to LWS Hosting

In this tutorial you will learn how to migrate your site from another server to your LWS hosting.

This operation is simple, and in most cases can be carried out by moving the files and configuring the database settings in the wp-config.php file.

If you are going to migrate Wordpress to a new domain name, you will need to change the URLs from your Wordpress dashboard. If it is the same domain, you can skip the first step:

Step 1: Change URLs

How to migrate your Wordpress site from another server to LWS hosting

Connect to your Wordpress dashboard, then go to the Settings menu:

1- Click on the General menu

2- Change both the Wordpress web address and the site web address (URL) to the new domain.

2nd step: Save Wordpress files

To move the Wordpress files, you will need to make a backup from your current provider. To do this, you will need to connect to your FTP account.

How to migrate your Wordpress site from another server to LWS hosting

Connect to your FTP account using FileZilla

1- Select all Wordpress files CTRL + A

2- Right-click and select Download to save all Wordpress files.

3rd step: Save the database

You will then need to connect to phpMyAdmin to export your database.

How to migrate your Wordpress site from another server to LWS hosting

1- Choose the database from the list on the left, just click with the mouse

2- Then click on the Export tab

3 - Choose the data type: SQL

4- Click on the Execute button to launch the backup. A dialog box will open asking you for the desired backup path.

Now that you've backed up your Wordpress files and database, you can publish them to your new LWS host,

First you will need to edit the wp-config file to adapt it to your new LWS database, as the database name, user name and password are not the same.

You can download the MySQL LWS parameters by following this link

Step 4: Modify the wp-config.php file

Then open the wp-config.php file that you have saved with the other files using your text editor and replace the database parameters

How to migrate your Wordpress site from another server to LWS hosting

Step 5: Publish the Wordpress files on your LWS hosting

Connect to your LWS FTP account. If you have forgotten your login details, you can send a request to your mailbox by clicking on this link.

How to migrate your Wordpress site from another server to LWS hosting

- Select all the Wordpress files in the backup folder you made CTRL +ALL

- Right-click with the mouse button and select Send to publish the files to your FTP.

6th step: import your database into your LWS hosting

To import your database, you need to connect to phpMyAdmin:

How to migrate your Wordpress site from another server to LWS hosting

-Click on the Browse button and select the database you have saved on your PC

-Select SQL as the data format

-Click on Execute to launch the import.

That's it! Your Wordpress site has been correctly imported,


You are now ready to migrate your Wordpress site to your LWS web hosting. Don't hesitate to share your comments or questions!

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Mady Il y a 956 days
Votre fichier dépasse la taille maximale de téléversement pour ce site : 64 Mo Comment augmenter la taille maximale de téléversement pour mon site
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 955 days
Bonjour, si vous désirez augmenter la valeur max_uploads, il sera nécessaire de changer de formule pour une formule LWS Starter ou supérieure. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance des différents quotas en vous rendant sur la page suivante: .
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