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cPanel cloud servers allow you to create and modify Web hosting packages for your customers. A package allows you to define the resources that can be used by each customer account on cPanel. You can
1. Log in to your WHM management interface and click on"Modify package" in the"Package" section of your space.
2. Select the cPanel hosting package you wish to modify and click on the "Modify" button.
3. You can modify all the resources in the web hosting package. Only the name of the package cannot be modified. If you wish to change the name of the Pack, you will need to delete it before creating a new one. Once you have made your changes, click on the"Validate" button to save your pack.
You can now modify your cPanel web hosting package with LWS. The WHM interface available on the cPanel cloud server lets you add, modify and delete a web hosting package whenever you want.
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