How do I buy a business email address?



Welcome to this documentation on ordering a business email address with LWS. We'll help you navigate the ordering process, whether your domain is already managed by LWS or not. In just a few simple steps, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of a business email address, tailored to your needs.

I. Definition of a business email address

A business email address is a personalised email address bearing the name of your domain. It is essential for improving your company's brand image, strengthening its credibility and facilitating communication with your customers and partners.

LWS also offers you higher quotas on its Pro email address packages than on our email addresses offered with our hosting packages.

II. How do I order a Pro email address for a domain managed by LWS?

Step 1: First, you need to log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting for which you want to create a professional email address.

Step 2: Go to the "Email Addresses" section and click on the "Email Administration" icon.

How do I buy a business email address?

You will be redirected to another page.

Step 3 : To order a professional email address, click on the "Modify my email offer" link.

How do I buy a business email address?

A new window will appear, where you can now order Professional Email addresses with the domain name of your chosen hosting package.

How do I buy a business email address?

Step 4: If you have never ordered professional email addresses for this domain before, then all the quantities are at "0" and you need to click on the "+ " buttons (1) to add the number of email addresses of your choice according to the types of email addresses offered.

  • Mail Pro S
  • Pro Mail M
  • Mail Pro L

You can order several types of email address simultaneously from the form and on the same order form (for example: 1 Mail Pro S address and 2 Mail Pro M addresses). You will then be able to manage or upgrade your email addresses as you wish

From this form, you can also order a dedicated IP (2).

Once you've made your choice, finalise your order by clicking on the "Confirm" button.

How do I buy a business email address?

Step 5: You will then be redirected to the quote for your order. We invite you to pay for it using the payment method you prefer in order to finalise the process and start creating your professional email addresses.

How do I buy a business email address?

Your business mailboxes will be activated within the hour.

The commitment period for business email addresses is aligned with the commitment period for the attached domain or hosting. If you therefore have 3 months remaining on your hosting product, we will ask you to pay for 3 months of subscription for the email addresses covered by this order. When you renew, you will have to renew the hosting product AND the professional email addresses, which are two different products and are ordered separately. If one of the two renewals is not carried out, the business email addresses will not work properly

Once you have ordered, you need to create the email addresses that will use the business email accounts you have just purchased. To carry out this essential operation, please follow this documentation

III. How do I order a Professional email address for a domain not managed by LWS?

If you have a domain managed by a provider other than LWS, you can order a Pro email service from LWS and link your domain to it. To do this, please follow the steps below:

Step 1 : Go to the page on our website where you can order a Professional mail service.

Step 2: On the web page, choose the service you wish to order based on the characteristics you require by clicking on the"Order" button for the type of email addresses you require.

How do I buy a business email address?

Step 3: Once you are on the order form, you must choose the number of email addresses you want (1) and the initial commitment period (2). The initial commitment period will also constitute the renewal period that will be offered to you. However, this renewal period can be changed at a later date.

How do I buy a business email address?

There are two important points to bear in mind when placing an order via the sales site form:

  • It will not be possible to order fewer than 5 email addresses for an initial commitment.
  • You can only buy one type of email address at a time. However, once your first order has been placed, you will be able to add other email addresses of different types by following the methodology in part I of this documentation.

You can then continue the order process by clicking on the"Continue my order" button in the right-hand column.

Step 4: At this stage, you must indicate the domain name that will be attached to the mail service you are ordering.

You have two choices:

How do I buy a business email address?

If the domain for which you are ordering business email addresses has not yet been registered, then you need to fill in form 1, which will enable you to search for a domain available for registration and register it with your email service.

If, on the other hand, the domain name has already been registered with LWS or another provider, fill in form 2 by entering the domain name and selecting one of the following options:

  • Please transfer my domain to LWS: LWS will then become the new registrar for your domain name (you will need to enter the domain's auth code to complete the transfer).
  • I want to use a domain from my customer account: this choice must be selected if a hosting product from your LWS customer account is already attached to the domain name you want to use.
  • I will update my name servers: by selecting this option, you are indicating that you will keep the domain name with another provider and link your domain name to the LWS mail Pro service.

Then go on to the next step by clicking on the green button corresponding to the procedure you have chosen.

Step 5 : Choosing the IP option

How do I buy a business email address?

At this stage, LWS asks you to choose whether you would like to use an IP shared with other customers to send your mail or whether you would like a dedicated IP for your sole use.

The dedicated IP option is available at €4.99 excluding VAT/month with installation costs of €19.99 excluding VAT (first month only). This option allows you to send your emails from an IP that is dedicated to your sole use and whose reputation cannot be altered by the use of other people on the same IP.

Once you have made your choice, click on the"Continue with my order" button.

Step 6 : Summary of your order

Check your order details and amend them if necessary.

How do I buy a business email address?

Click on the"Continue with my order" button to continue with your purchase.

Step 6: Fill in your details.

Before proceeding with payment, you must first enter your contact details.

First, you must indicate whether you already have an LWS customer account:

How do I buy a business email address?

If you already have a customer account, select"yes" and fill in your login details before clicking on"Login and pay".

How do I buy a business email address?

If you are not yet an LWS customer, then select"no", fill in your details in the form and click on"Register and pay".

How do I buy a business email address?

Step 7: Finalise and pay

In this final stage, you will be asked to pay for your order by credit card or PayPal account:

How do I buy a business email address?

The email Pro service will be delivered within one hour of receipt of payment.

Once you have ordered the email Pro service, you need to create the email addresses so that it is fully functional

[tips_warning]If your domain is managed by the LWS Panel and uses the default DNS of your package, the configuration of your domain will be automatic. Be careful if your domain was configured to use an external mail service.
If your domain name is managed by LWS cPanel, LWS VPS or an external provider, don' t forget to link your domain to your new Pro mail service!


Ordering a professional email address with LWS is easy and affordable, whether you're a small business, an amateur developer or a freelancer. These emails add credibility to your business and improve your communication with customers. Take advantage of the simplicity and efficiency of LWS services to take your online presence to the next level.

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Questions sur l'article
Toni Il y a 681 days
Bonjour J'ai un hébergement auprès de vous + un nom de domaine. Comment est-ce que j'aurai un mail pro ? Merci pour votre réponse
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 674 days
Bonjour, sur une formule Domaine, vous disposez de deux adresses emails rattachés au minimum àavec cetrte dernière. Vous pouvez créer une adresse email en vous rendant sur votre espace client LWS,cliquez sur "Gérer" se trouvant derrière votre formule puis sur "Administrations emails" pour cela.
Utile ?
kes Il y a 550 days
après l'achat du mail professionnel , puis-je augmenter directement la capacité de 5 à 10 ou 50 Go sur une adresse existante déjà pleine sans la supprimé ni perdre mes mails ??
See the
1 answers
Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 543 days


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Nous vous invitons donc à suivre la documentation suivante portant sur le changement de quota des adresses-mails sur votre panel LWS : Comment modifier le quota d'une adresse email ?

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