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It can be useful to be able to save your emails on your computer. This allows you to keep an archive of your emails, but also to be able to restore them if necessary.
The procedure differs slightly depending on the graphical theme used in Roundcube. This documentation explains the two procedures depending on the theme you are using.
1. To download an e-mail, first select one in the Mail list, then click on the "More" icon.
2. Click on "Download as .eml" and the file will be in your Download folder.
If you download several emails, they will be zipped together. Select the individual emails in the Email List and then follow the instructions for downloading a single email. You will need to extract the .zip file in order to access the individual email files.
Go to the URL of your Webmail and connect to it.
Click on the email in question to select it.
Click on"More" on the right-hand side of your screen and then on"Download". Choose"Source eml".
Once you are connected to your Webmail, select all the emails you want to back up, click on"More", then on"Download" and finally on"eml source". All the emails will be downloaded in a zip file. You will need to extract all the files in this zip in order to access the various email files.
You can now back up emails from Webmail with your LWS hosting package. This allows you to archive certain emails securely on your computer.
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