How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?


Why can your IP address be blacklisted by Wordpress?

When Wordpress is automatically installed on your web hosting, the iTheme Security extension is installed on Wordpress as a security measure. This security plugin has the following functions:

  • Ban an IP address: You can ban a specific IP address at any time.
  • Database backup: You can set up a cron job to perform a backup of your database at regular intervals.
  • Limit connections: Define the number of connection attempts before being banned
  • SSL: You can force the SSL protocol to be used for user connections
  • Connection log: You can access connection logs to check connection attempts and errors encountered.

iTheme Security is available under a free licence. You can upgrade to a paid licence at any time to take advantage of more features.

How do I unblacklist the IP address in the database?

1. Connect to the database using PHPMyAdmin.

2. Click on the"+" in front of the name of your database to access all the Wordpress tables present.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

3. Click on the"wp_itsec_logs" table to access all the entries in the table. Click on the"check all" box and then on"Delete".

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

4. Click on the"Yes" button to confirm the deletion of the entries in the table concerned.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

5. Now click on the"wp_itsec_temp" table.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

6. As with the previous table, check the"check all" box and then click on the"Delete" tab.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

7. Click the"Yes" button to delete the entries in the"wp "itsec_temp" table.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

8. Go to the"wp_captchat_bank_meta" table.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

9. In the"meta_key" column, find the value"block_ip_adress" and click on the"Delete" tab in front of this column.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

10 Now go to the"wp_captcha_bank" table and delete all the"block_ip_adress" entries.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

How do you disable Blacklisting on your Wordpress Dashboard?

1. Log in to your Wordpress dashboard.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

2. Go to"Security" and then to"Settings" in the main menu of your dashboard.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

3. Go to"Local Brute Force Protection" and click on the"Configure Settings" button.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

4. Change the number of connection attempts reached to"0" to deactivate blacklisting. Click on"Save Setting" to confirm your request.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

How do I unblacklist an IP address with Captcha_Bank?

1. Connect to your Wordpress Dashboard

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

2. Click on"Blacklist IP Address / Range" in the"Captcha Bank" section of your menu

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?

3. Click on the"Delete" button behind the IP address in question.

How do I unblock a blocked IP on Wordpress?


You can now delete a blacklisted IP address from your Wordpress site via your database, and also disable brute force on your dashboard with your LWS web hosting package. When you install your Wordpress site using auto-install, the iTheme Security plugin is automatically installed as a security measure.

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