How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?


What is Gutenberg?

You've probably all heard of Gutenberg on Wordpress. From version 5 of Wordpress, it will no longer be necessary to download and activate this module, as it will be automatically integrated into all new installations of this CMS.

Gutenberg: although this plugin is not similar to a Page Builder, it works in a similar way. It works in the same way, using blocks to add content. You can insert different types of content, such as text, videos and images. You can move blocks around by simply dragging and dropping them.

How does Gutenberg work on Wordpress?

When you add a new page or article, you can choose to useGutenberg or yourclassic editor.

How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?

This tutorial will focus on Gutenberg. A new page will therefore be created. When you create a new page, you go straight to the new creation interface.

How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?

At the top left of your interface, you will find the following buttons:

  • The "+" button: Used to add a new block
  • The arrows (right or left) are used to undo or redo an action.
  • The (i) allows you to give more information about your article, such as the number of words, title, paragraphs and blocks.

How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?

At the top right of your interface, you will find the following buttons:

  • Preview: gives you a preview of your article and/or page
  • Publish: to put your article or page online
  • The gear button hides your sidebar.
  • The three small dots give access to various additional options, such as a preview of the HTML code.

How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?

In the sidebar, you have two options, Document and Block.

  • Document: these are the settings for your publication, such as visibility, header image and tags.
  • Blog: Allows you to make adjustments to a block that you have selected. Each content block (Text, Paragraphs, Title, Image) has its own options.

How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?

What are the different content blocks on Gutenberg?

Gutenberg has different types of content blocks. To add blocks, simply click on the small "+" at the top left of your page. By default, each new block is added at the bottom of the page. There are 5 groups of blocks, as follows:

  • Common: These are the basic blocks (headings, paragraphs, images)
  • Formatting: These are the formats in which you will be able to write your different content (Classic, HTML, Source code, pre-formatted text).
  • Page layout: These blocks allow you to design the layout of your article using separators, columns and buttons, for example.
  • Widget: You can now embed the widget of your choice in your article.
  • Embed: This is content from other platforms such as YouTube or Twitter.

How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?

How do you add a block to your page?

1. Click on the"+" tab at the top left and then on"Title".

How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?

2. When you add the title block, like any other block, you can access additional options by clicking on the three small dots. You can duplicate your title, move it, modify the HTML code and/or delete the block.

How do I use Gutenberg on Wordpress?

You can perform the same actions for all the other blocks. Each block has its own options.


You are now ready touse Gutenberg to create the different pages and articles for your Wordpress site on your LWS hosting. The classic Wordpress editor was getting old. This is a major step forward for this software.

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