Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers


What does a comparison table proposed by the affiliation platform look like?

In our affiliation platform, we offer you the possibility of adding comparison tables of our offers in "Widget" mode, i.e. they integrate as well as possible into your website.

We currently offer two different styles of table:

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

Which offers are highlighted in the comparison tables?

Thanks to the comparison tables, you can highlight the following products on your site:

  • Shared hosting
  • VPS server
  • Ecommerce hosting
  • Online storage solution

How do I insert a comparison table on my website?

Log in to your affiliate space and go to the "Banners & Widgets" section:

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

Then click on the "Widget" block to display all the available widgets:

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

Browse the available Widgets, you can display the preview of a Widget.

Once you've chosen a widget, click on the "Copy code" button to copy the widget's source code to your clipboard.

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

Then paste the source code of the wdget into the source code of your web page where you want the widget to be displayed.

How do I prevent a new tab from opening when a link in the table is clicked?

By default, a new tab will be opened when the user clicks on a link in the table. You can change this behaviour so that no new tab is opened and your visitors are redirected to the current window.

To do this, simply replace the word "blank" in the widget's url.

For example, replace :

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

with :

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

How do I get an English version of a table?

To get a translated version of your widget, simply add the word "eng" at the end of the widget's URL:

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

This will display :

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers

Can I insert two widgets on the same page of my site?

It is not possible to insert two table-type Widgets on a single web page.

However, it is possible to insert a table widget and a domain name search widget on the same page in order to obtain a result of this type:

Affiliation: Insert a comparative table of offers


You can now insert a comparative table of shared hosting packages, VPS packages and LWS online storage packages on your website.

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