My domain name displays the welcome page for my hosting


How can I deactivate the welcome page for my hosting?

By default, after purchasing a domain name, a welcome page will be displayed if the domain name points to our services.

My domain name displays the welcome page for my hosting

If you see this page when accessing your domain, it means that your domain is correctly configured on our services and that it is fully functional.

To remove it and display your website, simply publish your site on your hosting.

To publish your website, you can :


You now know how to deactivate your hosting's welcome page and display your own site on the Internet. Together we have gone through the key steps to :

  • Understand that the presence of the welcome page means that your domain is well configured and functional 🌐
  • Publish your site via the web host's file manager or via FTP with FileZilla 📤
  • Install a CMS such as WordPress or Prestashop in just a few clicks for a quick and efficient set-up 🛠️
  • Easily migrate your existing WordPress site to your new hosting 🔄
  • Create your website without coding thanks to the SiteBuilder Pro tool 🎨

By following these instructions, you can say goodbye to the generic page and hello to a website that truly reflects you or your company's identity. Thank you for reading this article 🙏. If you have any questions or would like to share your experiences, please feel free to leave a comment below 👇. Your feedback is valuable and helps us to continually improve our service.

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