How do you publish your site with Open Element on cPanel?


What is Open Element?

Open Element is an editor for creating your website. Its features include image and code optimisation, element editing, support for HTML5 and CSS3, and optimisation of your site for the main search engines.

How do you publish your site with Open Element on cPanel?

1. Open your software and click on the"Project " button at the top left of your screen.

How do you publish your site with Open Element on cPanel?

2. Click on the"Preference" button to open the Open Element software configuration window.

How do you publish your site with Open Element on cPanel?

3. There are a number of items to fill in on the software. First, you need to fill in the'mandatory information':

  • Server address : You can enter ( must be replaced by your domain name). You received this information by email when you subscribed to your cPanel web hosting.
  • User name : This is the user name attached to your cPanel. You can also enter the username of a secondary account that you have created on your cPanel interface. You can create a secondary FTP account by going to : What settings do I need for an FTP client?
  • Password : This is the password associated with your cPanel account.

You also need to fill in the"additional information" as follows:

  • Defaultdirectory : "/public_html". This is the root directory for your website.
  • Port : 21
  • Upload directory : Upload (this is the default directory. Do not change it.

The last information to be configured is the email sending configuration information. This information will be used to operate your contact form on your website:

  • Type : SMTP
  • Server : enter your domain name or
  • User name : This is the full email address. You can create an email address on your cPanel interface if required.
  • Password : The password attached to the email address you created.

How do you publish your site with Open Element on cPanel?


You are now ready to configure your Open Element software to publish your site on your cPanel shared hosting. Be careful about the directory in which you publish your website. If you enter the wrong directory, it could overwrite the existing website on your FTP space.

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