Publish your site on a VPS server with ISP Config


Procedure for publishing a site on VPS ISP Config

In order to deploy your site easily on a VPS server with ISP Config, we recommend that you follow the procedure below:

  1. Connect to your ISP Config control panel.
  2. Create the site on the control panel.
  3. Create a MySQL database if necessary.
  4. Import the data from your database.
  5. Create an FTP account.
  6. Use an FTP client such as Filezilla to connect to the server using FTP...
  7. ... and publish your files in the "web" directory.
  8. Associate your domain name with your VPS server.
  9. Wait a few hours for the DNS to propagate...
  10. ... then activate a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate.
  11. If necessary, activate your website statistics.
  12. Wait 24 hours to see the first results.

You can also use our auto-installer, which in just a few clicks will enable you to add a domain name to your server, add the DNS zone, a database and an FTP account.

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