The main errors in an FTP connection via FileZilla


The main errors encountered during an FTP connection via FileZilla

Several errors may occur during an FTP connection:

  • 530 Login authentication failed
  • problem with the TLS certificate
  • use of active mode

This help section explains how to resolve these errors.

530 Login authentication failed

This error indicates that the username or password used is incorrect or contains an error.

The following actions are recommended when this error occurs:

  • Request the return of the FTP connection parameters associated with your domain via this link:
  • Change/reset your password. This can be done from your LWS customer area by following this procedure: https: //
  • Also check that there are no spaces before or after your password/user name, which can generate this type of error. A space is considered to be a character.

Video procedure:

TLS certificate error (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated)

This error may occur if your internet service provider blocks certain ports. To avoid this error:
Activate a "simple (non-secure) FTP connection" on your FTP transfer software by following this procedure: https: //

Video procedure:

Deactivating passive mode

It is possible that using passive mode for your FTP connection may cause problems, in which case you will need to use active mode.

  • In passive mode, the FTP server determines the port to be used for file transfer.
  • in active mode, the FTP client determines which port to use.

Video procedure:


You are now familiar with the main FTP connection errors for shared hosting with LWS. FTP connection errors are mainly due to a TLS problem.

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