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As long as the domain has not been reserved by a legal entity or individual, the domain name is available. It will be reserved on a "first come, first served" basis.
This period begins as soon as the domain has been reserved by a legal entity or individual.
The domain name is reserved with a Registrar for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years.
If no renewal request has been received before or on the day of expiry, the domain name is considered to have expired.
This phase can last up to 45 days from the expiry date of the domain name and allows its former holder to renew it before the deadline.
This phase exists for certain domain names such as .COM, INFO, .NET etc, but not for others (.FR for example): the existence and duration of such a phase is decided by the registry (the higher institution that manages the extension: ICANN for .COM, AFNIC for .FR for example), and not by the Registrar (the registry from which the domain was purchased).
During this period, the domain name is "frozen" for up to 30 days. Its former owner may request that it be restored for a surcharge.
The amount of the surcharge is decided directly by the registry, with no negotiation possible.
This 5-day phase is the final stage before the domain name is released into the public domain. At the end of this period, the domain name becomes available again and anyone can reserve it again.
Here are the different stages in the deletion process for each extension.
The deletion system is automatic.
The day after expiry, your domain is placed in HOLD or QUARANTINE status. This means that any websites and email addresses linked to this domain no longer function. This method allows us to warn, as a last resort, those responsible for the domain who may not have read our reminder emails.
If the domain is not renewed after the HOLD or QUARANTINE period, the deletion order is sent to the appropriate registry. The deletion period then depends on the registry concerned. In all cases, it is too late to renew your domain.
If your domain is in Redemption Period/HOLD/QUARANTAINE status, it is possible to restore it.
Restoration fees depend on the domain extension in question. These rates are imposed by the registry, with no possibility of negotiation.
Restoration restores the domain to its original state (i.e. same owner) and adds one year to the domain.
If you choose not to restore, the domain will be released by the registry. When the domain is released, the classic "first come, first served" rule will apply.
Note that the Whois is not always updated in real time by the registry (up to 2 days later). To check whether your domain is available again, it is best to attempt registration, which uses a real-time protocol.
If the destruction time has passed and the domain is still not available, there is nothing to do but try again later. We have no way of knowing the exact date and time when the registry will release the domain.
Don't forget to update your email address to ensure that you receive our renewal reminders.
To avoid any suspension of your account or any costs for restoring your domain name, it is important not to wait until the expiry date to renew.
If you renew before the expiry date, you do not lose the days/months that separate you from the expiry date: the renewal starting point remains the expiry date, not the renewal date.
Example: My domain expires on 25/08/2022 and I renew it for one year on 08/03/2022 = it will therefore expire on 25/08/2023.
The correct expiry date for your domain name and/or web hosting is the one indicated in your customer area.
For reasons imposed by the various domain name registries (ICANN, Afnic, DNS.BE, etc.) or by the technical margin that we apply to avoid any loss of domains (see GTC), the expiry date of your domain name and/or web hosting does not necessarily correspond to the anniversary date of your domain name and/or web hosting.
Example: if I buy a .COM domain name dated 20/05/2022 for 12 months, its expiry date will be 19/05/2023.
If you have not activated the tacit renewal of your domain name and/or shared web hosting, you will receive several reminders by e-mail and SMS, inviting you to renew your pack from 30 days before expiry.
If you have activated automatic renewal for your domain name and/or shared web hosting and/or VPS, SVC, BCK, then you will receive several notices by E-mail & SMS to warn you of the scheduled renewal as well as in the event that we are unable to carry out the direct debit.
Direct debits are made 5 days before the due date on your account.
If this is unsuccessful, we will attempt to debit each day until 2 days before the due date.
It is therefore essential to check your direct debit details and update them if necessary (registered bank card expired).
If 2 days before the due date, the direct debit has not been made, you will have to renew manually from your LWS Panel customer area.
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0mn reading
Renewing a domain name and/or shared web hosting
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Renewing a dedicated VPS server
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Modify the web hosting package or options before renewing
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Remove web hosting: Renew only the domain name
Merci de votre retour.
Comme expliqué dans la documentation, après expiration d'un domaine, vous avez 0 à 75 jours selon les extensions de domaines pour renouveler un domaine.
Afin de renouveler un domaine sur LWS, vous pouvez suivre cette documentation : https://aide.lws.fr/a/860
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Cordialement, L'équipe LWS
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La demande que vous nous avez transmise est assez précise et concerne que votre cas, nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide. (https://aide.lws.fr/a/268)
Je vous remercie de votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.
Cordialement, L'équipe LWS