Improve the performance of your site with Pagespeed on cPanel


What is Pagespeed?

The PageSpeed module available on the cPanel interface makes it easy to manage and configure mod_pagespeed on your websites. These rules enable you to improve the loading speed of your site by forcing certain practices almost immediately.

Google's Pagespeed insight tool can be used to check the loading speed of your website on both mobile and desktop computers. You will be given a score between 0 and 100 after analysis with this tool. Thanks to the PageSpeed module, you can automate your site's performance and improve loading speed.

How do I use PageSpeed?

You can access the PageSpeed tool by going to your cPanel interface and clicking on the"PageSpeed" button in the"Performance" section.

Improve the performance of your site with Pagespeed on cPanel

The new page will allow you to see, for each domain, whether any customisation has been carried out, and also whether the PageSpeed tool is active or not.

Improve the performance of your site with Pagespeed on cPanel

Please note that the PageSpeed module makes changes to your website. For this reason, your site must be compatible with the various active options

Configuring PageSpeed

Once you have clicked on"Configure" behind the domain concerned, you will be taken to a new page listing all the filters available on the module.

Improve the performance of your site with Pagespeed on cPanel

Activate the desired filters one by one and click on the"Save changes" button at the bottom of the page to save your request.

It is advisable to check the operation of your site after each filter activation. Some filters may be incompatible with your site, which could cause it to malfunction. Changes to the PageSpeed module are taken into account instantly.

For example, the PageSpeed module can be used to combine all JS or CSS files into a single file, to minimize JavaScript code (remove empty lines) or to defer JavaScript execution.

Improve the performance of your site with Pagespeed on cPanel

Deactivating PageSpeed

You can deactivate PageSpeed by going to the PageSpeed module and clicking on'Configure' behind the domain for which you want to deactivate it.

Improve the performance of your site with Pagespeed on cPanel

At the bottom of the page, click on the"Deactivate PageSpeed" button.

Improve the performance of your site with Pagespeed on cPanel

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