Using email tracking on the LWS Panel



Whether you are a business looking to optimize your inbox and outbox management, an IT professional wanting to monitor your mail server activity, or an individual wanting to better understand and control your email correspondence, LWS's "Mail Tracker" is a tool that can greatly facilitate your email management. In this guide, we will show you how to use this tool to optimize your use of the LWS email service.

I. What is Email Tracking?

This tool, integrated into the LWS Panel, is designed to help users effectively monitor and manage the sending and receiving of email. It offers features that allow you to track the delivery of e-mails, view anti-spam error codes, manage access events to your e-mail addresses and view the actions taken on your various e-mail addresses.

II. How do I access the email tracking tool on the LWS Panel?

[If your hosting product is managed by the cPanel control panel, please refer to this documentation[/tips].

Connecting to the LWS Customer Panel.

You must first log in to your LWS customer area to access your hosting management.

Once in your hosting management, find the "Email addresses" section. Then click on "Mail tracking / Mail access".

Using email tracking on the LWS Panel

You are now on the Mail Tracking management page.

Using email tracking on the LWS Panel

From this interface, you can view the list of emails sent or received for your entire email service.

The email routing list, which lists the last 100 events or those of the last 10 days. You can also view the last 1000 events by clicking on (View last 1000 events)

III. How do I retrieve e-mail delivery information?

E-mail tracking allows you to retrieve detailed information about the delivery of an e-mail. Whether you're trying to resolve a delivery problem, understand whether an e-mail has been marked as spam, or simply want to check the details of an e-mail, this feature gives you access to key information.

Click on the "i" information icon next to the word " Success".

Using email tracking on the LWS Panel

The details of the e-mail will then appear on the screen.

Using email tracking on the LWS Panel

From this window, you can retrieve the e-mail identifier, the sender address, the recipient address, the date sent and received, the spam score and the status of the e-mail (delivered or not).

IV. How can I identify a delivery problem?

When using e-mail services, it is sometimes necessary to determine the cause of e-mail delivery problems. Whether it's an e-mail that doesn't arrive at its destination, a message that is marked as spam or an error when sending an e-mail, it can be difficult to understand what's going wrong.

We saw earlier how to retrieve the details of an email, but if there is a problem with delivery, you first need to check the status of the email.

In our case, the email is considered to be spam.

The spam score is an indicator that determines the likelihood of the email being SPAM. The higher the score, the greater the risk.

  1. Any email with a SPAM score of more than 8 is received. The email considered to be spam is renamed at subject level. Example: *** SPAM *** Email subject.
  2. Sending: any email with a SPAM score higher than 8. The email is blocked from being sent, because at this spam score, emails are considered undesirable.

You can then view the header, which will help you understand how the email was considered spam.

Click on the warning icon next to the SPAM score.

[tips_info]The SPAM content and report are available for 6 days only[/tips].

You will then need to find the following tags in the e-mail header: X-SPAM-STATUS, X-SPAM-SCORE and X-SPAM-RESULT.

V. How do I check mailbox access events?

The use of e-mail access logs is a tool that not only enables connection activity to be monitored, but also enables potential connection problems to be resolved effectively. This tool offers greater transparency on connection activity, providing detailed information that can be important for the management and security of your e-mails.

To access the access events section, click on "Access logs" in the menu at the top left of your screen.

Using email tracking on the LWS Panel

From this new page, you can search for access events to your mailboxes for a given e-mail address, IP address and period .

A search will retrieve the following information:

  • Date of connection
  • E-mail address
  • IP address linked to the connection
  • Connection protocol used (IMAP, SMTP or POP)
  • Status (whether the connection was successful or not)

Using email tracking on the LWS Panel

In the event of hacking, this tool can be useful for recovering the e-mail address concerned, the precise date of the connection, the protocol used and the user's IP address.

VI. How do you check the action events in your email?

By monitoring the actions carried out on your email, you can find out more about the actions carried out on your email addresses. This can help you understand how your email is used, identify unusual activity and resolve potential problems.

To access the action events section, click on "Actions logs" in the menu at the top left of your screen.

Using email tracking on the LWS Panel

From this new page, you will be able to view all the actions it may have taken on your email addresses.

Here are a few examples of actions listed in this tool:

  • Change password
  • Address creation
  • Creation of redirection
  • Add a redirection to an address that has already been created
  • Change quota
  • Restriction management

Using email tracking on the LWS Panel

This log details the actions carried out on your mailbox, i.e. changing passwords, creating new addresses, setting up redirects, adding redirects to existing addresses, changing quotas and managing restrictions. This information can provide valuable assistance in monitoring your email activity, identifying potential problems and maintaining the security of your email communications.


All in all, email tracking on the LWS Panel is an essential tool for managing your email effectively. Whether you want to monitor the delivery of your e-mails, check anti-spam error codes, manage access logs to your e-mail addresses or view the actions taken on your various e-mail addresses, this tool offers a full range of features to help you optimise your use of the LWS e-mail service. By understanding how to use this tool, you can improve email security, quickly resolve email delivery issues and ensure effective communication for your business or personal activities.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us via our customer support service.

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