What is the difference between public_html and WWW


What is the difference between the public_html and www folders on cPanel?

As you will no doubt have noticed on cPanel, when you go to"Site manager", you will see two folders with the same content. These are the public_html and WWW folders.

These two folders are not very different. cPanel can even work without the WWW folder but only with the"public_html" folder. In fact, the"public_html" folder is the main folder for your web hosting. This is where your website should be placed.

The WWW directory is a symbolic link to the "public_html" folder. This means that the contents of the"public_html" folder are cloned into the WWW folder in your FTP space.

The WWW folder has remained with cPanel over time, as some older software still uses this folder to publish website pages. As a result, this folder allows these older programs to function correctly.


You now know the difference between the"public_html" folder and the"WWW" folder on your cPanel web hosting. The best solution is to forget that the WWW folder exists and publish to the"public_html" folder directly.

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