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Icedove is an e-mail client adapted to Debian. It works in the same way as Thunderbird, which was also created by Mozilla.
Icedove supports different email accounts (POP, IMAP, Gmail) and has a built-in spam filter. What's more, you can add other features by installing extensions.
1. Once the software has been installed on your distribution, click on "create an account" to create your email account.
2. Click on"Skip this and use my existing email".
3. Fill in the information as follows:
Click on the"Continue" button to go on to the next step:
4. Click on the"Manual config" button to manually configure the incoming and outgoing servers and port numbers.
You can use the following procedure to finalise the configuration of the software:
You are now ready to install and configure the Icedove email client on your cPanel shared hosting.
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