How do I delete my WordPress site using WP Manager?


Do you have a WordPress installation that you'd like to delete because it's no longer of interest? The WordPress Manager can help you completely and cleanly remove the WordPress instances from your hosting that you no longer wish to keep.

Deleting a WordPress site with WP Manager

First of all, you need to connect to your LWS account and access the shared hosting where the WordPress site you want to delete is hosted.

Then click on"WP Manager" in the"Software" section of your web hosting.

How do I delete my WordPress site using WP Manager?

Then click on the three dots next to the site you want to delete (1) and select the"Delete WordPress instance" option (2).

How do I delete my WordPress site using WP Manager?

A window will appear asking you to confirm the deletion by entering"Delete" in the appropriate box (1) and then clicking on the"Confirm deletion" button (2).

How do I delete my WordPress site using WP Manager?

Once this action has been completed, the deletion of your WordPress site will be carried out by deleting the files linked to this site on your hosting space and by deleting the database used by the website.


You now know how to :

  • Access your LWS account and shared hosting to manage your WordPress sites.
  • Use the WP Manager to navigate through your WordPress instances.
  • Locate and click on the options required to securely delete a WordPress instance.
  • Confirm the deletion by entering the required keyword and finalise the process to completely delete your WordPress site.

🚀 Thanks to these simple steps, you've been able to clean up your hosting by eliminating an obsolete site, freeing up resources for future projects. 🧹

I'd like to thank you for your careful reading and hope you found this guide useful. If you have any questions, comments or would like to share your experience with WP Manager, please don't hesitate to drop us a line below 👇. Your feedback is invaluable!

Thanks again and see you soon for more WordPress tips! 😊

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