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It is quite possible that, when configuring your email in your software, you may encounter certain errors that prevent you from sending emails.
The most common errors are as follows:
To diagnose the problem, the first thing to do is to check the configuration of your email client. You may have made an error when configuring it, which means that you cannot connect to your SMTP server to send email.
The first thing to check is thatauthentication is enabled on your email client. Most software has a checkbox for this purpose called"my server requires authentication". This is the case for the Outlook email client.
You should also check that the"use the same settings as the incoming server" box is ticked. Most software asks you to configure the information on the incoming server (IMAP). If this box is not ticked, you will not be able to identify yourself on the outgoing server in order to send a message.
Secondly, you will need to check the following send ports:
The last parameter to be checked is the host server name. The name of your host server must be mail.domain.com (domain.com must be replaced by your domain). You can also use domain.com if you wish or the IP address of your cPanel shared hosting. If you are using an SSL/TLS connection, you will first need to activate the SSL certificate on your domain name. If SSL is not activated, you may encounter the error "SSL certificate invalid".
You can check and use the following help to configure your software:
You are now in a position to troubleshoot your email client on your cPanel shared hosting whenever an error occurs when sending messages. First of all, you need to check that the configuration you are using is the correct one. If necessary, change it.
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Bonjour, merci de votre retour.
Si votre demande concerne des adresses-mails liés à un domaine que vous possédez chez LWS, nous vous invitons à passer par notre service de support depuis votre espace client afin que l'on vous apporte une analyse détaillée du problème que vous rencontrez. (https://aide.lws.fr/a/268)
Dans le cas contraire, nous vous invitons à contacter le support de votre hébergement mail.