How do I publish a site with Toweb?


What is Toweb?

Toweb is the only website creation software that lets you create your own modern HTML5 & CSS3 website that adapts to all screen formats and devices: mobiles, tablets, PCs, TVs, etc. No programming and no monthly subscription required.

How do I put a site online with Toweb?

1. Start your Toweb software, click on the"Download" tab in the toolbar on the left of your screen, on"Publish" and then on"Configure your host".

How do I publish a site with Toweb?

2. Indicate your FTP host, choose the type of connection (FTP) and click on the"Next" button.

How do I publish a site with Toweb?

3. Enter your FTP identifier (user name) and the password associated with this identifier. Click"Next" to go on to the next step. If you can't remember your FTP details, you can request them again by clicking on the following link: https: //

How do I publish a site with Toweb?

4. You can let the Toweb software choose the directory in which to publish your website. By choosing this option, the site will be published at the root of your web space. However, if you host several websites on the same web package(multi-domain option), you can manually choose the directory in which the website should be published. Click"Next" once you have made your choice.

How do I publish a site with Toweb?

5. Define the URL of your website (the domain name). You can activate SSL when you publish your website. Before activating SSL, you need tohave activated itin your customer area.

How do I publish a site with Toweb?

6. When the configuration has been completed successfully, click on the"Finish" button.

How do I publish a site with Toweb?

7. You can now publish your website by clicking on"Publish changes" or"Publish entire site".

How do I publish a site with Toweb?

8. Wait until all the files have been sent to avoid any errors when publishing your website.


You are now able to publish a site with Toweb on your shared hosting with LWS. The Toweb software allows you to quickly create a site in HTML5 and CSS without any knowledge and to publish it.

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