How do you back up or restore your Mysql database?


I. Checking the availability of 1-click restore

The LWS Panel offers a one-click restore feature to quickly restore lost data on your various web, MySQL and mail services.

To find out whether this feature is available in your package and what the limitations of the data backup and restore service are, please follow this documentation.

II. How do I access the LWS Panel restore service?

Step 1 : First, you need to log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting for which you want to restore a backup of the web files.

Step 2: Click on the"Backups/Restores" button in the"Files" section.

How do you back up or restore your Mysql database?

Step 3: Click on the "MySQL Backups" tab to access all the backups available on your hosting package.

How do you back up or restore your Mysql database?

III. How do I download a database backup?

The tab lists all the backups immediately available for downloading your databases.

Depending on the service you have subscribed to, you will be able to benefit from backups of the last 30 or 90 days.

Select the backup you wish to download , then click on the button to the right of the backup, which will allow you to choose different actions

How do you back up or restore your Mysql database?

Then click on the"Download database" option.

The database will be automatically downloaded via your browser's download manager to the folder configured on your browser.

IV. How do I restore a database backup?

The tab lists all the backups immediately available for restoring your databases.

Depending on the service you subscribe to, you will be able to benefit from backups of the last 30 or 90 days.

Select the backup you wish to restore , then click on the button to the right of the backup, which will allow you to choose different actions

How do you back up or restore your Mysql database?

Click on the"Restore database" option

Once the option has been selected, a confirmation window appears:

How do you back up or restore your Mysql database?

Once the action has been confirmed, it will be impossible to stop the restoration until it is complete.

To view the progress of the restoration, click on the history tab. This may take several minutes, depending on the volume of data involved.

How do you back up or restore your Mysql database?

You can refresh the page to check regularly if the status changes. Once the restoration has been completed, you will see it in the status.

How do you back up or restore your Mysql database?

Then visit your restored site in your web browser as usual. Empty the cache or refresh the page if it is not yet displayed.

As the database is only one component of your site, if you really want to restore a website to the exact state it was in on the desired date, remember also to restore the web files used by your website by selecting a backup on the same date

V. What do I do if the backup I want is not listed?

If the backup you want to restore is not listed, it is probably because your service level does not allow it. In this case, you need to subscribe to a Business support option to benefit from the possibility of restoring backups for up to 90 days instead of 30 days, or subscribe to "Backup Search" outsourcing for €49 excluding VAT so that a technician can carry out the operation for you.

After 90 days, LWS deletes the backups, so it will not be possible to restore a backup beyond this limit

VI. Restore error

If, after performing a restore, an error is displayed, please contact our technical support department directly so that a technician can analyse the problem and take action for you if possible.


You now know how to :

  • Check the availability of the one-click restore functionality via the LWS Panel
  • Access the restore service and navigate through the various steps to reach the backups
  • Download a backup of your database in just a few clicks
  • Restore a database backup and track the progress of the restore
  • Understand what to do if the desired backup is not listed
  • Identify the steps to follow in the event of an error during restoration

Thanks to this article, restoring your data will no longer hold any secrets for you! 🌟 Whether you want to prevent accidental loss or simply revert to a previous version of your site, you now have the keys to acting effectively and with complete peace of mind. 💪

We hope you find this information useful and that your experience with the LWS Panel is a pleasant one. Thank you for reading, and please feel free to share your feedback or ask any questions you may have by leaving a comment below. We value your opinion! 🙏

Thank you for your trust and see you soon on our service! 😊

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