How do I set up outsourcing with the shared hosting and mail service?


I. What does Managed Services mean?

The facilities management service we offer allows any customer to request priority technical intervention on your shared hosting or mail Pro package.

Under Managed Services, the LWS technical team acts remotely on the customer's account and performs the actions requested by the customer, provided they are eligible for the service.

Our support team can also refer you to an outsourcing solution if the resolution of your problem goes beyond the standard support provided with your service.

II. If I opt for outsourcing, what tasks can you carry out?

The tasks are many and varied. Here are a few examples that we carry out on a regular basis.

- Website migration

- Installation of CMS or other scripts

- Intensive search for malicious scripts in the event of attacks.

- etc ...

The above list is only an example, you can always ask support if this can be done by our teams.

III. What happens after I order outsourcing?

As soon as you have opted for facilities management, a technician will get back to you within the hour. A technician may call you back, but a telephone call by a technician is not systematic, depending on whether the situation requires it.

The technician will then agree with you how the work is to be carried out.

Once your request has been properly defined with our technical teams, they will work on it immediately.

As soon as our teams have completed your request, an email is sent to you indicating the operations that have been carried out.

How do I activate facilities management?

1. Log in to the LWS Panel customer area

2. In the blue banner at the top of the page, click on the"Support" button.

How do I set up outsourcing with the shared hosting and mail service?

3. Click on the"Open Managed Services" button

How do I set up outsourcing with the shared hosting and mail service?

4. Choose the shared or mail Pro package concerned from the drop-down list.

How do I set up outsourcing with the shared hosting and mail service?

If the problem concerns a domain name linked to hosting, select the hosting (LWS web, cPanel, Plesk, VPS) to which the domain points and not the domain name

5. Explain your request in as much detail as possible. The more detailed and explicit you are about your request, the quicker it can be carried out by our technical staff.

How do I set up outsourcing with the shared hosting and mail service?

6. Indicate the subject of your request, if it is for example an email problem, a website problem, a domain name configuration problem, etc...

How do I set up outsourcing with the shared hosting and mail service?

7. Indicate the type of outsourcing to be opened. A list of the different types of outsourcing is provided with examples of requests. If you are unsure, you can ask our sales support team which type of outsourcing you should choose.

How do I set up outsourcing with the shared hosting and mail service?

8. Finalise your request by choosing the payment method, entering a valid telephone number where an agent can contact you if the number in your file is different and accepting the general terms and conditions of use of the service.

How do I set up outsourcing with the shared hosting and mail service?

9. Then click on the"Pay and open ticket" button. This action will finalise the opening of the managed service. A technician will get back to you by ticket or telephone within one working hour.


You now know how to :

  • Definefacilities management and its importance for priority technical intervention on your shared hosting or your mail Pro package.
  • Identify the various tasks that can be carried out by our technical team, such as website migration or CMS installation.
  • Proceed once you have ordered facilities management, from contacting our technicians to fulfilling your requests.
  • Activate outsourcing in a few simple steps, providing precise details for optimum efficiency.

🚀 Using our outsourcing service means that your technical needs are taken care of professionally and quickly, allowing you to concentrate fully on your core business. 😊

We would like to thank you for your trust in our team and hope that your experience with our outsourcing service will be most satisfactory. 🙏

Please feel free to leave a comment about our service or share your questions and feedback. We value your opinion so that we can continue to improve our services!

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0140068119 Il y a 877 days
Le service d'infogérance que nous proposons permet à tout client de demander une intervention technique prioritaire sur votre hébergement mutualisé ou formule mail Pro.
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 872 days
Bonjour, une demande d'infogérance permet en effet un traitement dans l'heure de votre demande en cas de besoin pour le transfert de vos données vers une autre formule où d'autres actions, selon vos besoins.
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René Il y a 844 days
J'ai déjà acheté mon nom de domaine comment passer à l'hébergement svp
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 843 days
Bonjour, vous avez la possibilité de changer de formule en vous rendant sur votre espace client LWS, cliquez sur "Gérer" se trouvant derrière le nom de domaine puis sur "Changer de formule" se trouvant dans la rubrique "Assistance, formules et options" en bas de page.
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