How do I reset a dedicated VPS server?



In this documentation, we will explain how to reset a VPS dedicated server. Resetting is useful in a variety of situations, whether to resolve problems, restore the server to its original settings or start from a clean configuration. We will guide you step-by-step through the process of resetting your VPS.

I. Warning before resetting a VPS dedicated server

Resetting a dedicated VPS server involves restoring its original settings, thereby erasing all existing data and configurations. This may be necessary to resolve problems, improve performance or start from a clean slate. However, it is important to understand the potential consequences of resetting.

II. Preparing for a reset

Before resetting your VPS dedicated server, be sure to take a few precautions:

  1. Make a backup of all important data to avoid any loss.
  2. Inform your users or customers of the planned reset and any service interruptions.
  3. Check software licences and special configurations to ensure that you can reinstall them after the reset.

III. Detailed steps to reset a VPS dedicated server

Step 1 : Log in to your LWS account and go to the management of the VPS server whose distribution you wish to change.

Step 2 : In the"Advanced Administration" section, click on the"Reinstall OS" icon.

How do I reset a dedicated VPS server?

Step 3: The list of available distributions appears, select the distribution of your choice, fill in the field"Confirm server reinstallation" then click on"Validate".

How do I reset a dedicated VPS server?

For a simple reset of your VPS, choose the same distribution as the one currently installed on your VPS

Please note that the reset DEFINITELY deletes all data on the server

IV. After the reset

After resetting your VPS dedicated server, you need to perform certain tasks:

  1. Restore your data from the backups you have previously made.
  2. Check that the server is working properly by testing the essential functions.


Resetting a VPS dedicated server is an important procedure for resolving problems, restoring clean configurations and maintaining performance and security. By following the steps provided in this guide, even beginners can successfully reset their dedicated VPS server. Remember to always take precautions and back up your data before performing a reset. If in doubt, don't hesitate to contact technical support for further assistance.


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