Create a predefined message


What is a predefined message?

A predefined message is an SMS template that you can create and use each time you send an SMS. You can create several predefined messages to suit your needs.

How do I create a predefined message?

1.log in to your SMS Interface and click on the"Predefined messages" tab in the left-hand menu of your dashboard.

Create a predefined message

2. Click on the"Create a template" button.

Create a predefined message

3. Fill in the form with the following information:

  • Template name: this is the name you will define for your predefined message.
  • Sender: this is the sender you created earlier
  • Insert a merge field: you can define merge fields. This allows you to personalise the messages you are going to send
  • Message: Enter your message

Then click on"Save".

Create a predefined message

How do I create a personalised message based on contact information in a directory?

The merge fields allow you toadd personal information to your message, such as surname, first name and user name, to make it more personal.

Create a predefined message

How do I edit or delete a personalised message?

1. Once you have logged into your SMS management interface, click on the"Predefined messages" tab.

Create a predefined message

2. If you want to edit your message, click on the"Manage" button.

Create a predefined message

3. Modify the desired information and click on the "Save" button to validate your request.

Create a predefined message

4. You can delete the predefined message by clicking on the "Delete" button.

Create a predefined message

5. A window will open asking you to confirm the deletion of the message. Click "OK" to confirm your request.

Create a predefined message

Video tutorial on managing predefined messages


You can now create a predefined message that can be used for all SMS messages sent with an LWS SMS Pack.

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