VPS dedicated server support options


Support options - Outsourcing Virtual dedicated servers

Virtual dedicated server support comprises 3 ranges:

  • The BUSINESS package, which costs 35 euros (excl. VAT) per month, gives you priority response to open incident tickets, and includes one hour of facilities management per month (working days and hours from Monday to Friday inclusive, from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm) ...

This option is highly recommended if you use the server for professional purposes. Click here to find out more about this option.

  • The CRITICAL package, available from €100 (excl. VAT) per month, allows you to benefit from an on-call team available day and night to intervene on your dedicated server.

This option is highly recommended if your website is your source of income, as it means you can get rapid response to any problems or requests for improvements.

This option is provided by Dukito, an approved LWS partner and specialist in the field of facilities management for many years. Click here to find out more about our outsourcing services.

How do I subscribe to a support option for my virtual dedicated server?

1. Log in to your LWS Panel customer area

VPS dedicated server support options

Click here if you have lost your login details

2. Click on the"Servers" tab at the top of the page.

VPS dedicated server support options

2. Click on the " Manage" button of the virtual dedicated server for which you wish to take an option.

VPS dedicated server support options

3. Click on the " Service level" icon in the"Support, packages and options" section.

VPS dedicated server support options

4. If you wish to take the " Business " option, tick it and validate, then pay the quote that appears on the screen.

If you wish to take the " Critical " option, click on the link and follow the instructions.

VPS dedicated server support options

Here is the direct link to the offers provided by Dutiko: http: //www.dutiko.com/infogerance-serveur-lws/

How can I request a one-off service (facilities management) for my dedicated VPS server?

Go to your LWS panel customer area to request manual intervention by a specialist technician on your dedicated server.

Click here to find out when outsourcing can be applied, how much it costs and how to open the service.


You can now subscribe to a support option on your dedicated VPS server with LWS. The support option allows you to get a priority response from LWS support as well as one hour of facilities management for your server.

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