How do I access cPanel's WordPress Manager?



The WordPress Manager on cPanel offers a simple and effective solution for managing your WordPress site directly from the hosting control panel. This documentation provides a concise guide on how to access it.

Accessing the WordPress Manager cPanel

First of all, connect to your web hosting's cPanel control panel.

Then look for the"Software" section (1) and click on the"WordPress Manager by Softaculous" button (2).

How do I access cPanel's WordPress Manager?

You will then be taken to a page listing the WordPress sites on your hosting.

How do I access cPanel's WordPress Manager?

You can also access advanced management by clicking on the chevron to the right of the site concerned.

How do I access cPanel's WordPress Manager?


You now know how to :

  • Access and connect to your cPanel.
  • Find and use the Software section to launch the WordPress Manager by Softaculous.
  • View and manage your WordPress sites hosted on cPanel, as well as take advantage of advanced management for each site.

With this guide, managing your WordPress sites via cPanel should be a breeze 🎮! Feel free to explore other features to optimise your web hosting experience and boost your site's performance 😊.

Thank you for reading this article to the end! If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with WordPress Manager on cPanel, leave us a comment below. Your feedback is valuable and helps us to continually improve our service 👍!

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