How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?



If you encounter a database error on Prestashop that is too large, we recommend that you empty the statistics tables in this CMS. Prestashop accumulates statistical data which, over time, can slow down SQL access or cut off access because your database tables are too large.

How can I delete the logs on Prestashop 1.6 using the administration back office?

  • Connect to your Prestashop Administrationdashboard .

How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?

  • Click on"Advanced Settings" and then on"Logs" in the menu on the left of your page.

How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?

  • Click on the trash icon at the top left of your dashboard to delete the statistics.

How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?

  • A new window will open asking you to confirm your request. Click on the"OK" button to confirm your choice.

How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?

How do I delete the logs on Prestashop 1.7 via the administration Back-Office?

  • Connect to your Prestashop administrationdashboard .

How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?

  • On the left-hand menu, click on"Advanced settings" and then on"log".

How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?

  • Click on the"Settings" icon at the top right of the logs, then on"Delete all".

How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?

  • A new window will open asking you to confirm your request. Click on the "OK" button to confirm your choice.

How do I clean or deactivate Prestashop statistics?

How do I empty tables containing statistics on PhpMyAdmin?

It is possible that the shopping cart on your Prestashop site no longer takes items into account and/or that you are no longer able to add new items via your administration space. This is often due to your database exceeding its quota. It is very often one of the tables used to log actions carried out on your site and new visits that is full.

The tables causing problems are often the following:

  • ps_connections and ps_connections_page: This table lists all your customers' connections to their personal areas.
  • ps_guest: This table lists all visits to your site.
  • ps_layered_filter_block: The more article categories and articles you have, the more this table will fill up.
  • ps_pagenotfound

You can empty the various tables using the procedure"How to manage a MySQL database using the PHPMyAdmin utility".

Note that you can also install the"Module Automatic Stats Cleaner" plugin available on the Prestashop Addons site. This plugin will allow you to automatically delete and empty the statistics for the various tables concerned.

How do you update your MySQL database quota?

Finally, if the clean-up is due to a quota overrun on an LWS Linux formula, you can recalculate your database quotas immediately by following this documentation.


You can now empty the statistics tables on your Prestashop site.

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Questions sur l'article
Presta Il y a 149 days
Merci pour cet article Vous ne précisez pas les conséquences de vider les statistiques ou bien supprimer les logs Est-ce que les statistiques vidées ne seront plus visibles Si oui quel type de statistiques Merci
See the
1 answers
Jordan-LWS - Il y a 143 days


Je vous remercie pour votre message.

Je comprends que vous souhaitez en savoir d'avantages concernant les données effacé.

Sachez qu'effectivement l'intégralité des données serons supprimées, de ce fait les statistiques ne serons plus visibles jusqu'à que de nouvelles données soient enregistrées.

Pour rappels, l'intégralité des statistiques devrait être vidé une fois que la procédure aura été suivi.

Je vous remercie pour votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS

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